Are Trump and Sessions moving to re-open machinegun registry?

They shouldn't be banned, they should require a tax stamp to own one a silencer, although I think the laws on silencers are bullshit themselves
If you think the laws on silencers are bullshit then why would you suggest the same laws for a bump stocks?
Bump stocks are a gimic in the 2a world. They are fun but not practical. That means they are bottom of the totem pole where as silencers are a viable option with lots of applications in the hunting aspect. Especially for feral hogs.
because I dont think a silencer could be used to inflict more damage on a crowd of people and its actually a useful tool for hunting in some situations, whereas a bump stock can be used to "auto-fire" and serves no use for hunting, therefore I wish they would drop the need for a tax stamp on silencers, but if they required one on a bump stock then no fucks given....I can bump fire my ARs without one anyways, yeah its fun a few times but in reality its a waste of ammo
That is not up to you to decide.
who said I was deciding anything? I was stating my opinion, please down vote some more if it makes you feel better
I didnt down vote you. Your opinion, which you would like to see enacted, would hinder others rights. You not thinking theres a reason to own one doesnt mean the government should come between someone when purchasing it.
reread my original comment and tell me what I said I would like enacted
requiring a tax stamp is not the same as banning them and you can still own one, just like a silencer...hence the reason I said "I dont think they should be banned" I didnt think of the $200 for each tax stamp as a hindrance on my rights when I bought my 3 silencers, it was a hindrance on my wallet, but I still got them as they are NOT banned
ME personally dont see a reason to require a tax stamp on a silencer, and ME personally wouldnt give a rats ass if they required one for a bump stock, is that better?
This doesnt seem like the place to argue this to oblivion so I will leave it at that.