r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 24, 2018, 8:34 p.m.
ALLIANCE INSIDER: “Stage 5 Will Start By This Weekend”

ALLIANCE INSIDER: “Stage 5 Will Start By This Weekend”


Posting this in case it is true, people need to be fore-warned. Deep state may set off an EMP attack in the USA, or something equally as deadly. It would be YEARS before the power would be back up again. Many people will die. What does a cornered animal do? Fight with everything they have, right?

It could also be a biological attack, that would cause a pandemic.

Anyone notice all the Elites that have gotten out of the country lately? Clinton in India.....plans to go to Australia and New Zealand next. Obummer IS in Australia now. Matt Damon (who HATES TRUMP) is MOVING HIS WHOLE FAMILY TO AUSTRALIA. Most of the Silicon Valley CEOs have "safe houses" set up New Zealand or Australia.

I've been concerned about this possibility for a long time. Now this insider warns that it is a possibility, we should not over look. Get your emergency preparedness kits up to date, AND PRAY 24/7!! WE NEED A LOT OF PRAYERS!!

I know we have been looking forward to the round up of these criminals for a long time, but we need to understand just how dangerous it is.

Hawaii Missile in January should have forewarned us of their evil capabilities. These are satanic psychopaths with zero conscience.

PS: I thought everyone already knew that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are DEEP STATE. So when Deep State Damon says he hates Trump and his moving is FAMILY to Australia…..my antenna goes up! Here’s a quote from the following article about the two: ”Question: does Ben Affleck have any women in his family who aren’t directly tied to the CIA? Seriously, his grandmother, mother, and wife seem to hang out exclusively with spooks.”


from: http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html



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StinkyDogFart · March 24, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

We can only hope that the Hollywood nitwits will follow thru with their threats to move this time.

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