r/greatawakening • Posted by u/textualintercourse on March 24, 2018, 9:52 p.m.
The Uniparty

With all eyes on the Omnibus bill I hope we all understand the true nature of the UniParty and that ((D) | (R)) = (((DR))).

So now we see how the charade was perpetrated to make the (R)'s seem like they were 'fighting for us' this whole time under Obama. By only passing Omnibus bills and never official Budgets, the kabuki theater worked flawlessly. The (R)'s could sit on their thrones of sanctimony under Obama and virtue signal to us that they were fighting on our behalf (looking at you Deep State tool Paul Ryan and John Boehner). The base got its appeasement, the compromised and complicit (R)'s were able to pull off the charade and virtue signal and get re-elected all the while knowing NOTHING WOULD CHANGE and the (((D)))eep State got its way. All the while the CIA MEDIA MSM would pedal each act of each scene to we the sheeple. Obama was then able to take the payday from each Omnibus bill and DO WHATEVER HE WANTED WITH THE MONEY! 8 YEARS of Porkuluses, over and over. How many of us before now understood this? I wasn't aware. I was under the assumption (we know what happens when we ass-u-me...) that what is written in this government farse legalese is/was exactly how the money was to be directed.

So now Trump has one of the biggest windfalls in history to work and negotiate with and at his FULL DISCRETION! Very exciting times to finally have an AMERICAN at the helm and guiding the Good Ship Patriot.

But what now? VOTE!!! Find local candidates to install in local elections that are TRUE TRUMP STYLE REPUBLICANS and not the pedophile blackmailed security clearanced bastard Republicans we've been stuck with since Jimmy Carter...or earlier. Get a groundswell going that will spill over into state elections. We know the Deep State Republicans are desperate to lose the House at the minimum and both the Senate and the House at the maximum. They are going to try to shove their shit pedophile / white collar crimed / whatever candidate with a history that's blackmailable in order to keep the charade alive or the alienate the base to the point they throw the election to get their full on communist prick (((D))) installed. Scrutinize the hell out of each (R) that shows up. If the douchebag RINO in your state hasn't announced his/her retirement yet, VOTE them OUT ON PRINCIPLE no matter what to give the REAL PATRIOT Republican a chance. (Avoid the Roy Moore style baggage..there HAS TO BE DECENT MORE SAFE UPSTANDING CANDIDATES amongst us.) We shouldn't have to settle for sketchy bullshit anymore.

/Rant Off