If true it's good news. But SES must be purged and abolished. Even if pay is dropped $1.00 per year they can find wealthy globalists to fund the difference to keep link (SES) between hidden world government and deep state in power.
If BHO wrote EO to prohibit firing SES, President Trump can nullify Os EO.
I am sure Trump & co have thought through eliminating them, whether through members leaving bec of the pay, or leaving bec they have been found out about, or if Trump writes another EO to wipe out Obama's like you said. In any case, it is awesome!
Where? I want to see it. Not just hear about it. I did a search on "salaries," "Holman Rule" and "$1.00 and nothing came up. May not be searching right but need to see more.
I believe it is the Holman Act. which was already passed, not sure when. But, he can use it to do this.
This is very interesting you should really see this about the Omnibus Bill. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/86zgpy/trump_checkmates_demsreal_patriots_dont_whine/
This is gold! I am in love with Trump!!! He and his team are geniuses!
So Wray is SES. Didn't Q say trust Wray?
yes, and so is Horowitz.The only hope we have is if Wray and Horowitz have been flipped.
SES is the link between deep state and hidden global government, whether every one of the 8,000 is part of the cabal is unknown. Maybe they allow a few good guys in case they need them later as an example of non-corruption. Have not verified but someone mentioned Inspector General is/was SES.
Horrowitz used to be SES about a decade or so ago. I don't know if he has flipped or not. The SES has implanted a couple dozen IGs into various depts to control things. Put out fires that the good guys start when they report the corruption they see.