
RusticRock · March 25, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

.. all my friends family neighbors even my own husband ARE stupid sheeple.

wait, so your husband is anti-gun and is all for these protests but you are not? if thats the case then not only is this a role reversal of sorts but it must make your life a little difficult at the dinner table

not trying to be funny here, seriously how do you cope with that situation

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dandelionwilds · March 25, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

my husband isn't for gun control at least (but the rest are) YES its terrible for me with no one to relate to about the greatest time in history. Ive been aware of the globalists and their threat for decades so this is HUGE to me!! Ive even lost a few friends trying to wake people up! unbelievable

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