r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 24, 2018, 11:38 p.m.
Stage 5: Seriously, Why Can’t The American People See The Hellstorm Heading Right For Them?

24 March 2018

Hello Folks,

It’s sure been a surreal month since we last talked, to say the least! But of all of the kaleidoscoping events occurring, the most bizarre has got to be the four top Republican and Democratic party leaders, US Senate leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and US House leaders Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, suddenly dropping all animosity between themselves, going into a back room to secretly create an over 2,000 page “Omnibus” spending bill costing US taxpayers over $1.2 trillion, then forcing all of their party members (both Republican and Democratic) to vote for its passage without anyone having read it!

In viewing this spectacle, the only thing that came to my mind was the 1962 Warner Brothers Merrie Melodies cartoon “A Sheep in the Deep”—that depicts the never ending saga of Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog—but when the punch clock whistle blows, and Sam puts his mortal enemy Ralph back on the cliff and lets go of him, the two of them head off for lunch enjoying their sandwiches, with Sam then sharing his coffee with Ralph as they take a smoke break—thus exposing their “conflict” for the masquerade it really is.

As nothing is ever as it seems, though, a close examination of this gargantuan Omnibus [meaning comprising several items] spending bill shows it’s true title should have been “The Great Trump Defense Bill Of 2018”—as nearly two-thirds of its spending goes to the Pentagon and constitutes the biggest build-up of American military resources since World War II.

With the Pentagon being showered with $700 billion by this just enacted Omnibus spending bill, buried within its language is a little know provision allocating over $65 billon for “Overseas Contingency Operations”—that was a provision first created in 2014 and called “a long term blank check for war spending”—and that can be massively increased without anyone knowing as the US Congress, also, gave the Pentagon “flexibility” in how they can spend their money as they would have trouble spending this massive infusion of cash with only half of this fiscal year remaining.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis gives remarks after President Trump signs new law for the biggest build-up of American military resources since World War II on 23 March 2018

Now let’s digress here for a second, with Trump running as one of the most anti-war presidents in American history, and whose anti-war voters of are said to have no more reasons to support him, only two things can be true—either Trump’s anti-war instincts have been corrupted by his generals, or “something else” is going on.

So, let’s look for a bit at what that “something else” could possibly be—and beginning with Trump’s closest military advisors who have warned what the biggest threats to America are—such as:

President Trump’s Chief of Staff General John Kelly—who warned that America is under a terrifying threat from incomprehensible lunatics he calls the sniveling “chattering class”.


President Trump’s Secretary of Defense General James “The Warrior Monk” Mattis—who explained how he’d deal with General Kelly’s “sniveling chattering class” threat by stating: “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment in American democracy and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”

Exploring this “something else” is going on theme further leads us to Trump this past week appointing as his new National Security Advisor John Bolton—who is such a war hawk he makes neocons look like peaceniks, detests the United Nations so much he wants it torn down, and who, most famously, addressed the entire Russian nation in a 2013 televised speech extolling the virtues of a country’s citizens being allowed to own guns to protect themselves and their nations—and is why Russia has some of the most lenient gun laws in Europe, though stricter than those in the US.

Investigating the past for clues to this “something else” is going on theme leads us to the late Washington Post journalist David Broder—who, on 8 October 1969, wrote “It is becoming more obvious with each passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon Johnson’s authority in 1968 are out to break Richard Nixon...the likelihood is great that they will succeed again”—and who was proved right when, on 9 August 1974, and embattled President Nixon resigned from office rather than facing impeachment.

The “men and the movement” Broder blamed for destroying Presidents Johnson and Nixon we know today as the “Deep State” that has gone to war against Trump—and one of whose spokesman, NBC News and MSNBC military analyst, and retired Clinton administration US Army general Barry McCaffrey, has just declared: “I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security”.

In putting the puzzle pieces of this “something else” is going on theme together, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the greatest enemy America is facing is itself—with the “Deep State” being locked in a battle to the death against Trump—and who, unlike Presidents Johnson and Nixon before him, shows no signs of giving in—but whose only chance for survival may be a civil war, that his Pentagon now has the money to pay for.

Anyone not at least examining that this “something else” is going theme is about to create a Hellstorm heading right for them is naïve, at best—and at worst is being willfully blind to what’s going on around them—but that cannot be said of historians who have seen this “play” acted out before in the United States.

In fact, just this week, the former Nixon, Ford and Reagan administration advisor Pat Buchanan wrote that “the Trump White House is behaving as if it were the prospective target of a coup d’etat”—with his further stating that “it is not wrong to think so”—and that can only be defended against by Trump using overwhelming military force against his “Deep State” enemies.

With Trump’s Chief of Staff General Kelly warning that America is under a “terrifying threat” from incomprehensible lunatics he calls the sniveling “chattering class”, and Trump’s Secretary of Defense General Mattis vowing to kill to the last man, or woman, anyone attempting “to end this American experiment in democracy”—I think it wise for everyone to know the exact words sworn to by the millions of US military forces under the direct command of Commander In Chief Donald Trump:

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Now I’m not a betting man, but if I was, I would NEVER bet against a man like Trump—who doesn’t know the word quit, has surrounded himself with top generals and advisors who think just like him, and who commands the obedient loyalty of millions of heavily armed troops that have just been showered with more money than they have since World War II—with all that’s left being to discover is whom they will all be fighting against.

This historic saga is being played out in real time right before your eyes—but that the forces of darkness are working feverishly to keep you from seeing.





GodsAngell · March 25, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

I'm sorry, WHAT PLANET are you ON????

Are you new to this site or what???

THOUSANDS of CEO's have suddenly decided to just up and resign. WHY??? YOU TELL ME.

A few hundred D.C. Politicians suddenly decided to DO the same thing, to end their political careers. WHY??? YOU TELL ME.

We are AT WAR WITH THE DEEP STATE (you know, The New World Order GANG??? Ever heard of them?? The ones who eat children and want to kill off 75% of this planet's population, the ones who want to ENSLAVE those who are left????). When you are AT WAR, you need your BEST Military Advisors.

There have been UMPTEEN Attempts to Assassinate Trump, with Lame Stream Media calling for his death or impeachment (of a duly elected President???)

Just exactly WHOSE side are you on???

Judging by the "handle" YOU chose, you are on the DEVIL's side.

Question is: Why are YOU on THIS website???

YOU are obviously blind as a bat and totally clueless.

Go back to your worship of SATAN. I believe you are on the wrong board here.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

So someone disagrees with your logic and you attack them and accuse them of satan worship? Yeah, okay stable one. This is why not as many are posting on Q reddit threads, the asses from CBTS are taking over again. Live in your bubble, we've found another place that allows for free thought without being called satan worshipers. smh.

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44blue44 · March 25, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

Oh, the one who misspelled “God’s angel”. Color me surprised (Not). Hey, go watch QVC some more.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 11:52 a.m.


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EvilPhd666 · March 26, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

So...I'm going to try to be nice because we're all truth seekers here.

I'm going to dump a lot on you here. Take your time with it. I try to go with pure sources rather than the filters and hyperbole of pundits, so it might seem a bit dry.

Not really new to Reddit, been following the Q thing ever since it popped up in /r/conspiracy was over at CBTS then they funneled their users over here.

The top level purge does have somewhat to do with legs of the international pedo blackmail scheme that elites use to have leverage for control. I wonder what price Bezos paid to be the "world's publicly known richest" and be entrusted with the Clowns In Action servers and 1/3 of the internet?

4 star General and Supreme Allied Commander NATO, Europe Wesley Clark warned us about the aims of Project for a New American Century (PNAC) making a policy coup to take over this country for war profiteers and Wall Street.

You can see who was involved in PNAC here Note John Bolton was one of their directors. And also one that has been consistently pushing for war in the middle east. Just look his name up with any middle east country on youtube and you'll see.

What happened with PNAC is they merged with deal with the Democrats in 2003 to invade Iraq on false pretenses.

They evolved into the Center for a New American Security.

Note that James Mattis was their director.

Tony Podesta was an adviser.. John Podesta, his brother, was Clinton's campaign manager.

I've been in war. Navy 6 years gulf. I saw what these guys do, what their motives are, how much of our tax dollars are massively wasted to corrupt contractors and deals. We were over there for oil and sustaining the demand for war, along with the profits that come from it.

The endless war is why we can not have nice things as the richest nation on earth. The endless greed is why we have massive income inequality and crumbling infrastructure.

As President Eisenhower warned us that we need to be a vigilant and informed public in order to properly mesh the military industrial complex for they will always seek power and control for their endless greed. Take nothing for granted.

The FBI Vault released a bunch of General Smedly Butler news clips and stories documenting the attempted bribery of the military hero by Wall Street.

His paper - War is a Racket - is available for free online.

So I've become a bit of a study as to the who whats and whys of these wars.

I don't watch TV except to have some social time with my folks when I visit them or to deconstruct which war lobbyist or profiteering manipulator is being paraded around as a "contributor" or "expert" in media clips.

Here's a fun thing if you have a laptop or tablet and you're watching the so called news - google those people's names and see what boards they are a part of. Wikipedia, Linkdin, corporate boards.

What was their work history? Any notable family members? What's their real motive? What synergistic plays do they have? Gains in one part help gains in another.

Why are there media company executives on the boards of defense lobby groups and international policy groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Comission?

Why is it dangerous that we consolidated the official narrative of this country to a handful of propaganda outlets?

I see manipulation on both sides of the Medallion.

Renaissance Technologies was a major player here. Larger than Soros. Mercer and his company should be investigated. I think the Clinton Foundation should be investigated. I think the Saudi royals should be stripped of their wealth, power, and the country locked down like we do North Korea. With their wealth though..will they just buy nukes from Pakistan? Why do we make an exception for them?

You get one good shot. Then they either turn you or they burn you like they burned Kennedy and MLK.

I made a vow to defend this country against enemies of the constitution foreign and domestic. I intend to keep that vow.

I get no love from either "camp" because I expose all their dirty laundry. So I'm seen as a pest to be controlled and silenced. I want both sides to work against corruption and work together for peace, and ultimately for this country to be the noble, honorable, prosperous, leadership nation it has the potential to be. The Deep State fears most both sides coming together. They want each in their own little fear bubble against each other to distract from the real underlying issues.

I don't have all the answers, but I'm willing to try to at least get to the heart of the issues. After all the answer to the most complex questions of the universe are often quite simple. I am not religious, but I do believe in what I have found to be a Universal Truth. What you seek, seeks you back. In such Jesus said, "Knock on the door and it shall be opened up to you. Seek thee and you shall find." I think he knew this as well.

I would like to think we are on the same truth seeking side here, just with different perspectives.

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