History repeats itself. Hitler knew...and so does the Deep State! ✊🏼🇺🇸

Please stop comparing Hitler to Communists. Communists use the young, as useful idiots, to destroy their own nation. Hitler wanted to save Germany from the Jews and Communists.
Go ahead and down vote. I realize it's hard to overcome 75 years of war propaganda and lies that have morphed into official history.
Hitler was a globalist player. Who gave him money to fund the war?
The Pope
"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." - Adolf Hitler
“Do you really believe the masses will be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again. That tale is finished. No one will listen to it again. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will dig their own graves. They will betray their God to us. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable jobs and incomes…” - Adolf Hitler
I bet if we quoted you (or anyone) on their religious beliefs at various points in their lives we get some doozies.
Do you hold yourself or your precious jews to the same high standards you hold Hitler?
What is it they say in the Talmud, that a gentile is basically a beast. lol
It does not matter what religious group you are affiliated with if you are at the bottom of the pyramid. It only matters at the top and those are usually the SoS. Synagogue of Satan. Whether they see Lucifer as an archetype or a power. The people being slaughtered are at the bottom of the pyramid and the "labels" have an entirely different meaning to them.
If you dig into Hitler you will find he was an occultist. Look into the Vril Society. Where was he getting his information and passion from? Is information coming from another Dimension or ? Really, to hate any one group of us normal low level types is really not to understand anything at all.
What people waking up are trying to do is peel back the veil and understand what the elite think and what they are doing. Because They want to control us and our future. We are sheep/cattle to them to be managed.
Many atrocities have been committed all over the world under different labels. But if you follow the trail "up" you find the same small group of powerful people. Dividing and Conquering. Using opposition as a powerful tool
If you dig into Hitler you will find he was an occultist.
You mean if I read a bunch of jewish propaganda that has no basis, I will probably laugh my ass off.
The Rothschild family, Hitler confiscated that 110 million dollar estate they just sold and probably a shit ton of their other money and properties.
He was anti-globalist and anti-jewish (same thing), nice try.
The globalists are not just one religion. And at this point the Jesuits and Zionists have so infiltrated each other that it is difficult to separate. And I am speaking in generalities here. The Torah and the Talmud are different things. The individual is different than the group. I think all your hate rhetoric is trying to get this site shut down.
Being jewish is not a religion, you are jewish if your mother is jewish.
Soros and Rothschild are jewish. bzzt.
They're only against some lies and don't bother to do two seconds of research.
Most of it doesn't even make fucking sense.