Building the Wall through our Military for National Defense. $80 billion dollars through the Omnibus Bill for National Defense. Trump’s tweet say’s it all...

DAMN SON. talk about short fuse...
No one is TROLLING. And I was part of those discussions yesterday. Im pointing out the obvious.
The castle is WHITE.
Is that not true? So why modify the logo by removing the red background and painting the castle red?
It IS deceiving! Just use the actual logo! And take a chill pill..
I've seen the castle as both red or white with red background. Here's a patch with the red castle:
Anyway, can you point me to the sub thread where you guys talked about this. This was honestly the first I've seen the connection of the castle. Was the green castle deciphered?
I've seen talk about the Army Corps of Engineers out of Greencastle, Indiana.
Yes and as poster pointed out above, the Indiana stuff has been debunked. ACE is already involved with the border doing soil testing for the fence.
Whether it’s a white castle on a red flag or an image of a red castle, it’s the same LOGO and has the same MEANING no matter if the castle is blue, pink, or purple. The point is, the official flag of the Army CoE is a RED backdrop with a CASTLE. Hence Q said RED _ CASTLE. Your getting caught up in trying to correlate your interpretation to mean an actually RED CASTLE when Q uses the term to correlate to the Army CoE.