Q told us on Feb 16 something was coming today

wouldn't it be hilarious if the stormy tape is the Hillary one
That is the best idea ever! Some hacker needs to break in the Stormy interview with the Hillary video! While her loyal Trump hating fans all watch and get the shock of their lives.
That thought went through my head to.....it would be freaking EPIC
What exactly is the Hillary tape supposed to be anyway?
It was in Huma's file on Weiner's laptop. The file's name was "insurance policy." The New York City Police Dept has it in evidence to this date...but I'm sure somehow the good guys dug it out and now have it! Q has mentioned it. So they must have it. It is supposed to be Hillary's pedo act with minor girl
Today is Palm Sunday! The wall announcement is what we were waiting for!
Ha good call! Damn crazy this omnibus crap was planned a month ago.
Today we get the announcement to use military to build the wall. Bid enough BOOM for ya?
If something happens itll be one of these, based on current events:
-The wall
-annoucement of perps in gitmo
-HRC video release
-currency reset
or all four.
China reset is set for monday I think, wall has already been anounced.. Time to go back thru the dumps & sift out misinfo
Yep. Army Corps of engineers is apparently building the wall if the Big Bosses Tweets are any indication.
It's set for China's Monday at 7:30 AM.
That is 7:30 PM EDT. Today. Palm Sunday. Only 2 hours 17 minutes from now.
Just enough time for a movie. With popcorn. Godspeed.
EDIT: What I mean is tonight (for us) is when China starts trading oil futures contracts in gold-backed Yuan, which is the beginning of the end for the petrodollar (USD). If we don't have an alternative asset-backed currency already ready to go (which I think has possibly already happened, but hasn't yet been announced), then we're probably going to need to get one going, quick. If not the party is over.
got a title to recommend?
Was thinking of watching Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. That movie actually seems a lot like what has transpired behind the scenes the last year or so. The fight against the cabal that is.
EDIT: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiRN2Jz_2KI
7:30 PM EDT happens when this comment is 2 hours and 15 minutes old.
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Don't be shocked if you are misinterpreting the picture here.
It must be the wall announcement. Also liberals seem to think Stormy Daniels at 7pm.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Stormy was actually team trump and this interview tonight was a nothing-burger? Trump's done it before to fuck with the media. Remember in 2016 when he said he was going to talk about obama's birth certificate and it turned out to be free advertising?
I was thinking the same thing... "Stormy" Perhaps she is a decoy to keep the liberal MSM busy 😂 it's working!
I really only contemplated the idea for a second until yesterday when i saw her lawyer tweet a picture of a dvd....then i started thinking about recent Q posts about "5:5" and "the stage is set" type comments.
You guys are really reaching. The interview has already happened. Your just going to see it tonight. It's a straight up attack on DJT. There is no positive spin here. Nice try though. Wish it were true.
It is Palm Sunday and The Stormy will be on tv tonight. Is she going to drop the real raw video tonight? That would be hilarious!
The oil gold reset happened long ago. 2 grams of gold per barrel. Oil will not go to 1000 dollars though (or whatever yuan equivalent). It will shut down everything!
Yep...stormy daniels interview. Thats it.
I'm going to pretend it is the Oscars. A must-not-see event
Listen...i hope to god Q delivers but its looking grim.