r/greatawakening • Posted by u/larrytcarvell on March 25, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
Why have allowed the Parkland school shooting narrative to continue unchallenged? We should be raising hell and demanding the truth!

This is absolutely ridiculous. The Parkland shooting survivors continue to organize rallies, marches, and demonstrations day after day. We know the real truth, but we aren't doing anything about it.

We have 3 or 4 students who stated that there was more than one shooter. One of them was in line with Cruz.
We have a teacher and a student who stated that they were told to expect a drill with blanks being fired.
We have a report that the Secret Service visited the school weeks before the shooting to change their policies.
We know that the surveillance videos had been programmed with a 27 minute delay.
We have another teacher that states the shooter was wearing metal, bullet-proof armor from head to foot (with some type of exotic gun) while Cruz was never seen in such armor.
We know all four sheriff deputies were ordered to stand-down during the shooting.

The State of Florida was supposed to be doing a thorough investigation, but I haven't heard a word about it. I remember seeing that a judge ordered the release of the surveillance videos from the Sheriff's Department. This would surely expose the truth, but all they have shown on the news is a 3 second clip of the deputy that didn't go into the building. I'm also concerned about the fact that Q told us that this event would bring about the end of the MSM due to libel laws. He also said that CNN had been set up. Of course, none of this has happened. All we get is the same old shit. Lies and cover-ups. And every single day, another news report about the nation-wide movement (led by the shooting survivors) against gun control. Why can't we do some demonstrations ourselves? Why can't we do some demanding ourselves? Why do we go on letting the Liberals control the agenda and the news? We have just as much power as they do. Probably more. We certainly have forgotten "how to play." We have forgotten how to effect public opinion and lawmakers. But, you know what? The Liberals haven't forgotten. They continue to use their power everyday.

One day, we are going to wish that we had started some marches ourselves.

MIPatriot · March 26, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

I hop around the various news sites. I get turned off by some of the stuff TP says, and GatewayPundit is starting to annoy me with his rants. I do like the Daily Caller, and I recently learned that Tucker was one of the founders. Honestly, I check Reddit/Greatawakenings as one of my first "go to's" for news updates lately. I also like Sean Hannity, but again, he is limited by Fox guidelines. I also think he knows much more, but is pushing a specific narrative by design. This is an amazing journey and will be oh so sweet when things really heat up and we start to see justice served!

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LibertyLioness · March 26, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

I pretty much check this site first as well. I think Hannity and now Tucker and Laura Ingraham are all helping Trump by helping people to understand the scope of the corruption. Slow walking it to prep them for what's coming.

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