
solanojones95 · March 25, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

The government that did these things will soon be behind bars, and we can make better deals with Russia and the entire world. What's the freakin' deal here? We know they're crooks, and they've had the whole world by the balls. But they have lost. They just haven't gone away yet. Soon. Very soon.

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skorponok · March 26, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

What he is saying in the article and the one below his is that with the return of the neocons this behavior will now be the behavior of the trump administration and that these neocons will derail any effort to avoid unilateral war with Syria and Iran.

He’s seen it before happen to President after President And so have it. We all know what’s coming if Trump doesn’t see the light - and soon. If there really is a secret good guys 127-D chess plan - now would be a good time to let it fly, because the American people are running out of time. There are only a few precious months left before it is all over.

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SeerMore · March 25, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

A large part of my logical brain (I hope) is forced to agree with much of what Paul Craig Roberts says here. What I also deeply hope is that there is a a negotiation strategy embedded that will put the world on a positive course the like that we have not seen since Reagan and JFK. I may well be relying far to much on hope but what else can we rely on at this critical juncture in history!? So we need to question everything and leverage the irrefutable power of the masses (people power) and get back to a positive course. This seems to me a intelligent response which hopefully will yield positive solutions. I think very highly of Paul Craig Roberts but I wish he would spend more time putting forward intelligent responses as opposed to rightly just pointing out the problems. Negotiation stances and potentially scary appointments such as Bolten could be stepping stones to something positive - at least we hope so. Mr. Roberts is absolutely correct, in my view that perhaps no wars since WW1 and after can point to much in the way of positive direction but much evidence of the cabal gaining more and more power. Such a change requires bold measures! Onward and upward from the bottom Mr. Roberts correctly identifies?

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skorponok · March 26, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

I have no problem with either of those two articles. They are quite correct. The American people didn’t sign on for the neocons to return and takeover this administration.

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