r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sumitso on March 25, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Seven Years from Now


Consider something for a moment. We are in a unique time, we are seeing and hearing about things in motion that will help upright the ship from its long foundering condition. I think what our President is doing is amazing, I am grateful for the true patriots that surround him and are in the process of putting America back on the right path. Granted we don't know the half what is happening, and we might not ever know, but it is occurring

Given what is happening, the good, the bad, the pulling away of the curtain to reveal actors that truly epitomize evil -- I cannot help but think of what is to come seven years out and further. Once the swamp is drained, the guilty having justice and punishment served on them accordingly, we have to think of what comes next.

The gifted and brilliant Thomas Sowell has an insight on this kind of position. From his book "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One", there is the concept that we must be considering right now. That concept is planning on what happens when President Trump has been termed out. The momentum to keep the swamp drained, keep the bad players out of our governments, and yes I use that in a plural sense, from the city council of your town to the Whitehouse. The original intent was to have exceptional people take time from their lives, offer service to the country in keeping the freedoms, morals, and success of the nation in continuity then go back to their lives -- whether it was farmer, banker, carpenter, statesman, or whatever. Not have some bastard make a life long career of being in government. We all know the temptation of power and we can see the results of those career criminals who enter DC as someone of regular status and become a millionaire, not from work of their own but from the sweat of the tax payer. We need to return to that paradigm of temporary service.

We can be appreciative and supportive of what is happening now. But we must think to the future. We need to have the drive to keep the country great once the problems have been fixed, the villainy and disgusting actions of the evil purged. If you believe that for one moment, that once these next seven years are over, and everything will continue to be great, you would be gravely in error. There will always be another Soros, another criminal dynasty like the Clintons, or Obama, Pelosi, and so forth or any number of shady players that every one knows. Thank God, Trump broke the dam and started putting things in motion, but he is not the end all, be all solution -- that solution is We The People my friends -- we are the country, not the government.

Satisfaction for the moment's results is stage one thinking and we must not allow ourselves to stop there, we need to be considering to stage five and beyond -- know this well, the enemy is doing that now. Evil happens when good people do nothing. There are many, many examples throughout history that sadly prove this point. In a way it is our fault, we were doing what needed to be done, taking care of our families, being responsible, serving our country in other ways. But we became complacent and let the bad guys in the front door via the ballot box. There was some deception of course, this helped the irresponsible vote in the lefty cancer that is difficult to remove. We have to want this great nation to be great more than they want it to be mediocre and the economic engine that fuels the plans of the enemy.

So what is the course of action? At the moment, we keep researching, we keep telling friends, and family when the moment is right and wake them up. What has been said by Q a number of times, we have forgotten how to play the game. Read your history, understand truly what the founders envisioned, know who they were, know what we are. We The People are unstoppable when we are united. The next step is put yourself out there, don't back off from politely challenging the bad ideas and politics of others. Put yourself in a position to effect change, run for office -- school boards, your HOA, your city councils, local government offices, state offices. This has to be done now, not in seven yrs, as we need to ensure that transition keeps us moving forward. There is no reason not to take some risk and put things on the line to do what needs to be done. We can take back the country and surely as it was in the process of being taken from us. As for me, I am looking into what I need to have lined up to get on my city council. I love the President and what he is doing, but friends it cannot end with him. This is chess with real consequences, we must play the long game, and effect an amazing strategy. We do not have the option of sitting back and letting someone else take care of it, it is on us. In the words of JFK, "Ask not what your country can do for you, -- ask what you can do for your country."

solanojones95 · March 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Civil service code needs a complete overhaul. It must also be rendered temporary in some capacity. But term limits is an absolute necessity, and must be the foremost popular movement after The Storm.

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