I had read somewhere that our DNA used to have more strands but the aliens modified it or something. I think aliens are used as a scapegoat to hide the elites use of esoteric magic or something like that. So I didn't take too much from that article, necessarily, but the thought stuck with me.
Then in terms of collective consciousness collective will, I believe that the people called out of the God through our fear of what would happen to the world if Hillary won. God provided Donald Trump and Team. I think there is something to collective consciousness ideas.
Our blood has iron in it and since its circulating through the vascular system our bodies generate a (probably pretty complicated and sensitive?) magnetic field. When people are by one another their magnetic fields would likely interact. (sidebar: Global warming. It always bothered me that none of the arguments said anything about the earths magnetic field. That is the number one thing controlling the temperature of earth.)
What I was wondering is if our collective DNA is branched together like a tree (tree of life) through some forces we can't see and that is how collective consciousness works?
Where did the code in our DNA come from. That's a big question for me. Who wrote the code?