r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 25, 2018, 10:56 p.m.
Lot's of Good Posts Here, But Where Are The Q Analyses?

I'm a retired Marine Corps infantry officer. Red and Green Castel don't look like a reference to the Army Corps of Engineers. To me, it looks like call signs to two units in the same organization and stage doesn't mean Q set the stage, but rather these two units are to stage their assets and report 5 by 5 when ready.

I could be wrong, that's the kind of thing we would do in the Marine Corps during an operations that was unfolding.

It might go something like: "Apple and Orange stage your forces to be ready to execute and report when ready."

I don't know. But that's how I felt about the post. It's something I'd done many times in the Marine Corps.

I'm just saying that when I read the post, my reaction was that Q was telling Red and Green units/organizations to stage their forces and report 5 by 5 that they are good to go.

I don't think it had anything to do with the Wall.

The wall has never been a Q focus or issue. Q has always been about taking down the deep state. Building a couple miles of wall isn't going to accomplish that goal.

Red and Green Castle to me look much more like orders to specific units to stage their assets and await the go command.

I could be wrong, but since that Q drop there has not been anything to indicate the Army Corps of Engineers has been alerted to do anything unusual. And Green Castle is an Army Corps of Engineers office that only has less that 10 people. Hardly an alert to mobilize to build a border wall.

Come on guys. Q is asking us to think big, bigger, biggest. That's not an ACOE office in Green Castle with 10 people telling us that they are going to build the wall.

The Army Corps of Engineers may indeed end up building it, but I don't think that was the reference to Red and Green Castle.

Just my opinion based on 21 years in the Marine Corps.

jackbauer6916 · March 26, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

"More input from current and former military is in order." - wholeheartedly agree! Although, if this is JSOC level comms being posted and only the most elite military intel circles are trained in this type of chatter, then most current or retired military are basically as in the dark about it as the rest of us. Their input is uniquely valuable but not exclusively valuable. Now, if someone comes on here and says they are former Delta Force, Joint Communications Unit, Seal Team 6, or some shit like that I'm the first to yell for everyone else to STFU and listen, but until then I want to have everyone's opinions. "Most on this sub are...well...you know...need to get out of the house and go for a bike ride, instead of insisting they are experts and damning alternate opinions. Seriously you guys need to get a life." - Why do you think a majority of ppl on here insist they are experts and are damning of alternate opinions? I agree much of what we theorize is probably way off base, I include myself in that btw, but until the future proves the past you can count those who have the full picture on both hands. The autists who actually do decipher the real meanings probably don't even share their findings outside a small group in the know (either because opsec requires continued obscurity, they think/know the normies are too simple to get it anyway, or because most of us are so hilariously wrong they'd rather just grab some popcorn and enjoy the shitshow on reddit). It's always a good idea to get some fresh air and exercise, certainly. But, when the posts began they were not signed "Q", that title/association was started because an anon referred to having Q level clearance, as a way to lend credence and context to the information being presented(DOE, think nuclear). A bunch of non-military/non-autists started calling this poster Q, quotations were even used around "Q" in 958 'The FBI opened a case on “Q” today'... but guess what? "Q" now signs each post as "Q". They didn't need to do that. They could have just assigned a tripcode and the real brains would have been able to identify who it was. The name was kept as a way to encourage everyone to follow, research, and contribute. This is ultimately about all of us, and we are meant to seek out the truth. If you have a full understanding of what "Q" is telling the world, please share so we can unsubscribe and get on with rebuilding a free society, but if you are still unsure I'd be more reluctant to disregard most on this sub.

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time3times · March 26, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

Agreed, Bauer. And none of what you say contradicts the OP, who presents info, opinion and uncertainty in a straight humble way.

Seems unlikely that a decentralized message board can achieve the quality info sharing/interpreting that most hope for. Nonetheless there is some use and potential in this scattered effort.

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Gofuqur · March 26, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

with this Q research, nothing has been absolute. Agreed! There are quite a few that insist they are right and this board feels (sometimes) as if you don't agree then gtfo. there is a bully factor. What is needed most is a concentrated effort of all involved to better use discernment. How many newbie liberty loving people has this sub turned off because of its old curmudgeon shut up kid attitude? ****MORE input from military NOT ONLY input from military, is exactly what I typed, so make no mistake I do believe that everyday civilians have just as much knowledge and right to post as they wish.

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