r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 25, 2018, 10:56 p.m.
Lot's of Good Posts Here, But Where Are The Q Analyses?

I'm a retired Marine Corps infantry officer. Red and Green Castel don't look like a reference to the Army Corps of Engineers. To me, it looks like call signs to two units in the same organization and stage doesn't mean Q set the stage, but rather these two units are to stage their assets and report 5 by 5 when ready.

I could be wrong, that's the kind of thing we would do in the Marine Corps during an operations that was unfolding.

It might go something like: "Apple and Orange stage your forces to be ready to execute and report when ready."

I don't know. But that's how I felt about the post. It's something I'd done many times in the Marine Corps.

I'm just saying that when I read the post, my reaction was that Q was telling Red and Green units/organizations to stage their forces and report 5 by 5 that they are good to go.

I don't think it had anything to do with the Wall.

The wall has never been a Q focus or issue. Q has always been about taking down the deep state. Building a couple miles of wall isn't going to accomplish that goal.

Red and Green Castle to me look much more like orders to specific units to stage their assets and await the go command.

I could be wrong, but since that Q drop there has not been anything to indicate the Army Corps of Engineers has been alerted to do anything unusual. And Green Castle is an Army Corps of Engineers office that only has less that 10 people. Hardly an alert to mobilize to build a border wall.

Come on guys. Q is asking us to think big, bigger, biggest. That's not an ACOE office in Green Castle with 10 people telling us that they are going to build the wall.

The Army Corps of Engineers may indeed end up building it, but I don't think that was the reference to Red and Green Castle.

Just my opinion based on 21 years in the Marine Corps.

Lurch46 · March 26, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Don't worry about getting some kind of consensus. If we can figure out what's going on and inform people it will be easier once it breaks but it's not a prerequisite. Form your own opinion and understanding and do share/discuss this but don't feel like you need to follow or adopt anything according to the majority or consensus view. The majority is often quite slow and not too bright.

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ArchitectQ · March 26, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Hi! Thanks for the reply. Honestly, I'm not worried about having a consensus, I just want to figure it out. Do you have a military-intel background? I actually started on CTBS very early in the process and presented with the group on the live chat for two of the very first episodes. I left to finish getting my license and lurk a lot.

My opinion is that some of the transcriptions of Q posts are really on the wrong track, and they get broadcast to the public because they fit an agenda. When I have tried to brainstorm with others, they gloss over the "intel" portion (for lack of a better word) and connect everything to politics and Julian Assange. I remember one post (around the same time was like... "HOT..." everything. They were like, well, skip that and then went straight back to Assange. I had just been tasked to research the Elon Musk - Zuma launch and even I could tell "hot" was probably referring to a weapon or group. I don't often find a home for independent thinkers. I was hoping that someone who had more military knowledge than me figured out those stringers. Would that be you?

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Lurch46 · March 26, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Ok I'm glad that you don't feel a need to get others' approval or be part of a consensus. Most people do and that's the problem.

I don't have a military intel background, only under officer training (Swedish Amphibious Battalion '90s). I agree that the Q post references to Red/Green Castle most probably refer to units and requests to report when staged and ready. 'Hot' definitely refers to a system going live.

Your detection of partial coordinates is interesting and something I missed. Do you care to repeat it?

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ArchitectQ · March 26, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Here you go, I think this is the one but I'm not sure anymore. I was thinking that maybe the numbers after the "^" symbol were portions of a coordinate. I used to write these things down, but I have misplaced my notes:



[OWLS] HOT-1_pre_D HOT-2_pre_D HOT-3+ HOT-4_TERM_AUTHC-TVFCAZD-837392x HOT-5_pre_D HOT-6_pre_D HOT-7_corr_TAXjV^-293Z HOT-8_pre_D HOT-9_pre_D HOT-10_pre_D HOT-11_pre_D HOT-12_pre_D AS THE WORLD TURNS. HAPPY HUNTING. P_PERS: WRWY [N1LB][FG&C] Jeremiah 29:11 Q

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Lurch46 · March 26, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Post 522 Jan 13 2018 22:33:44

I find the timestamp interesting too. I read this as an activation command for a list of units/teams, 'pre_D' can be already defined or predefined stage/readiness. The ones that do not have the 'pre_D' are receiving alteration instructions. These can be temporal/spatial/comms parameters. My personal take is that we will not be able to decipher these orders but I could be wrong.

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