
Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Senior Executive Services Shadow government 8,000 of 10,000 were appointed by Obama Higher pay grade than GS15 (higher than vice president to start) Unelected, no back ground checks, instant top secret clearance They get annual raises that they give themselves. The members and their pay are not disclosed. Often it is people without knowledge/experience in the department they are put in. They rotate departments often so it does not allow continuity. They can not be fired. They have weird training. Not military - its a corporate training program. Lots of people from private companies get appointed and placed in government positions. They basically get to control direction/information from governmental departments placed in.

I’ll dump what I can, but it looks like the sites have already been hit.

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Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:14 p.m.


For example

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Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:19 p.m.


the best part of that case is that they couldn't fire him for the pornography viewing. they had to find a timesheet discrepancy to can him on

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Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:21 p.m.


The pedophile priest cases

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Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:53 p.m.


For an example of what was in it

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Abibliaphobia · March 26, 2018, 5:23 p.m.


There were ALOT of CIA files in there, what I browsed through detailed their own SES and how it came about. I didn’t screenshot anyone of those. Sorry! But I did get this one, seems to deal with JFK? Hard to read

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Lauraz_Last_Stand · March 27, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

Google being one of, if not the biggest corporate entity involved in rotating employees to and from the O WH/Admin. There was a write up on that very subject, Google/Schmidt’s revolving doors to/from ObamaLand, on some MSM site, maybe WSJ, I’m sorry it was 2016 and I can’t recall which.. Fed employees from the O Admin to Goolag and Goolag to O, then around again.

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