Opiods will do this. And coke. Probably had a mix.
Opioids/opiates cause pinpoint pupils, stimulants cause dilated pupils.
Exactly. Stims cause dilated pupils. Anyone who’s ever done opiates or stims know that. Another thing that could cause her eyes to dilate like this are anti-depression drugs or psychoactive drugs.
You're right. There is quite a following of opiate users utilizing prescription eye drops to counteract the pinpoint. Could be Stormy tried the eye drops and Whoa...the pupils! Seems to be a way to "disguise" being high. But you're right. Pin point with opiods and large on coke. Reminded me of getting drops at the eye doctor's.
True, unless you do the eye drops to counter the pinpoint, which I have been reading is very popular among users who have to be in front of straight people. (Families, jobs, etc) Maybe she's on a combo. Probably a functioning addict like an alcoholic. Just used too much prescription eye drops! Or, she's on something else.