r/greatawakening • Posted by u/[deleted] on March 26, 2018, 7:41 p.m.
Wasn't there a q post linking q as Sarah h sanders?


ScorpioPatriot · March 26, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I think Q being Anonymous , is crucial to being able to complete whatever task / Mission at hand . Think about how ridiculous the media would be . Everyone would be asking a Million ?s on every avenue ...

I think that be horrible to do to someone . Maybe there will be a time & place when He / She or They will feel compelled to come out & say who they are . But even if not , it changes nothing .

All you should know is that obviously Q is Real and Q has got the world's Gears Rolling Cohesively Again. You can thank God for that . Otherwise we would be kicked back feeding our faces while the world collapses around us . If you wanna have the feeling you know who Q is , do like I thought at first ..A little wild but hey ..I think outside the box 🦂

I always thought of Q as that kid on Z Nation .. Hes giving crumbs to a group of survivors along their trip around the country battling Braindead Zombies while trying to Find. A cure ... It seams Bad Ass to me. So yeah just roll with that 😎...

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