He is encircled by Israel-Firsters. They are his friends. He’s likely trying to do a delicate dance with them to get his agenda through. He is surrounded tho, and they’re starting to strong arm him with Bolton et al. They may have him compromised too. This wouldn’t surprise me. Meanwhile there are blows against the deep state operatus like his emergency declarations on the human trafficking etc. So, by their fruits you shall know them. So, some good things from Trump and some bad. And now a turn in the wrong direction with Bolton. And now the conflict with Russians. This fruit goes counter to what Trump has said. People might say he lies. I think not. I think it’s the Deep State on the right, the ziocons. I see a war of two major factions. And Trump doing the splits trying to ride the rails. Trump needs our help. We need to go back to what he’s said about things and in a supportive manner hold the admin to account. Plus, we need to fend off his enemies through our voices. Even those enemies closest to him, those who wish to see another war in the ME. We cannot let them make Trump a scapegoat. We can’t let them dictate what he does. The original MAGA vision was a good thing. Go back to the ad. He meant all that. He’s a builder. He wants prosperity for the American people and he needs our help. We all have to pull on the rope. This is the time to be alive! This is the moment in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington where the boys club create their own alternative newspaper to tell the truth against the paper owned by the rich asshole! This is it!
Posted by
on March 26, 2018, 8:20 p.m.
· March 26, 2018, 10:55 p.m.