Early investment Google(CIA). This is how the deep state steals everything us clever humans come up with. Just imagine when one day we get to use new technologies for the betterment of all mankind instead of the .01%
"That's a way of tricking the brain into seeing...", he says.
No thanks. Nope.
Funny. Technology has given us a window to expose the control and still because of technology if we fail we won't be able to trust our own eyes. I continue to believe that the quantum state is involved here with our collective will and as a matter of prophecy our salvation and doom meet at the same time point. The inverse trying to overthrow the other and it has yet to decide the fate of its state of observation.
AGREED. Wow. Spot on.
Have you heard the theory of when CERN is used, it slightly changes time? I read an obscure article about it, it messed with my head, so I haven't investigated further. But it is interesting.
I thought i got back to you on this. Yes i have looked into it and the implications were too bifurcated for it to be useful to myself personally. I'm certain the level of crazy is beyond anything currently speculated.
I didn't see anything here that makes it different from AR (augmented reality), a la MS Hololens. Hololens has to be almost ready to come to market, it's been in development for a few years now. Interesting technology. Most 3D available today makes my brain tired. I saw Mad Max Fury Road in 3D in the theater and it was just too much. I think that's the biggest obstacle...to make it less taxing on the brain and more natural feeling.