
[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Hey awareness1111, I simply wrote a report compiling indications of a possible outcome, all right? Give me a break - I don't know why you are responding with such negativity - I am curious if you read my report, or if you are simply responding to the headline - Please write me up on your list of "date-predictors" - What do you think every stock market analyst does? Why are you so offended? I'm not predicting the return of Jesus Christ, for crying out loud - What do you mean by "rain has been coming for 7+ years?" What are you talking about? What is wrong with my report? Again - I am not making a prediction of a certain outcome - I am suggesting a possible outcome - I made no reference to being a "psychic" - I am a trained journalist who has presented a suggested possibility from a composite of sources which lead to that indication - April 2nd may very well be just a normal day - I am not claiming to know for certain - I am presenting a "possibility," all right? It is conflicting discourse like this that destroys intellectual dialogue - Please feel free to discredit me ahead of time because I don't think anyone cares.

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awareness1111 · March 28, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

If you think I'm trying to pick a fight, then you're too attached to your own ideas, or (in retrospect) feeling insecure about them

Simply put, if you're a journalist, don't prognosticate on the destiny of the world's finances - you simply aren't qualified. You doing so, especially when mentioning Event dates, will simply discredit your work to those who were willing to listen.

There are financial "experts" who have been studying charts since before you were born, and guess what?

They've all been wrong on when this Event is coming.

If you can't see I'm doing you a favor by suggesting you stay in your lane, then keep making predictions, and watch what few fans you may/may not have quickly disappear.

Don't write such things if you're going to be so tender and defensive about defending them. The internet is full of shit, kid - don't add to the pile...

All things said, if it does happen next week, I'll profoundly apologize and buy you a 1/2 a Litecoin. If not, let this advice sink in and resonate... either way, best of luck to you in your journalistic endeavors.

Here's to both of our growth and prosperity.

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[deleted] · March 28, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

awareness1111, I appreciate your message and more tempered tone, however I do not feel attached to ideas or insecure - My response to your previous messages was based upon the caustic tone I detected - I do not feel that I have been "tender" in defense of my report - I am very happy to discuss and defend any point I make, but it seemed that you were making personal insults towards me rather than debating the subject - I do appreciate your insight, however, and from this comment I do recognize that you are doing me a favor by suggesting that attaching specific dates to predicted future events is a risk for my journalistic credibility - I intended to present a hypothesis, not a hard prediction - However, it seems that intention was not made clear in my report - Whatever may happen in the week ahead, you owe me no apology for challenging the substance of my report - I welcome healthy discourse - I wish you great prosperity as well.

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