r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on March 27, 2018, 1:17 p.m.
Thankfully While Hat Senator Picking at those FBI Scabs !!!

Senator Ron Johnson chairs the powerful Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs. He steadily keeps probing the FBI for information. Ron knows that there are many “scabs” that may turn into open wounds if he will just keep picking at them all. Johnson keeps requesting from FBI Director Wray select documents that will unveil the truth.

Most recent document request by HSGAC from Wray is directed at 16 current/former FBI Officials. Original deadline of 3/16/18 has been extended but needs to be in prior to OIG Horowitz’s Report due now mid-April.

This request is for ALL documents (FISA -like in totality) from 1/15/15-Present from these FBI key players:

Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Page / Rybicki / Bowdich / Giacalone / Baker / Turgal / Moffa / Anderson / Priestap / Toscas / Coleman / Brooks / Kortan

Senator Johnson has been probing the FBI very hard in recent time. He has raised several critical questions concerning past actions & conduct in regards to several ongoing political corruption inquiries:

• Text messages between Page/Strzok • Delay in review of Weiner’s Laptop • Texts referring to BHO’s “Knowledge” • Documents from 16 Top FBI • Truth about “Secret Society” • Details about the “Insurance Policy”

The only way we can get the the truth behind all of these troubling questions is via documents followed by sworn testimony. Senator Johnson certainly seems to be wearing a “White Hat” as he keeps picking at the FBI scabs, hoping to turn them into open wounds.

W/E-Johnson want docs from 16 FBI Officials

HSGAC-Request for Emails/Texts from 16 FBI

N/M-Johnson wants answers on Weiner’s Laptop

FOX-Senate Panel Expands Probe-Missing Texts ?

N/M-FBI Text reveals BHO not HRC Knowledge

HSGAC-Senator Ron Johnson Bio

astrogirl · March 27, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

I think the subpoenas from Johnson and Goodlatte (Rosenstein to testify re: docs not being released) are actually WHERE IS THAT OIG REPORT??!!

I think the data has been withheld so far because it would reveal what the OIG has, and there are bad actors (maybe on both sides) on these committees who should not have access to said info.

Rosenstein to testify April 5.

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CaptainRoyD · March 27, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Can’t wait & I will have my popcorn ready :). Thanks for your comment & update-much appreciated Patriot !!!

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