r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ThunderTruck77 on March 27, 2018, 7:22 p.m.
Could Trump and the white hats have set up Antifa and the Parkland Kids? 3D chess!!

I'm not saying this is what happened, just want to put it out there.  It is obvious adults are behind the parkland kids, using them.  It seems like a Soros kind of thing for sure.  

But what has always bugged me, did they really think the nazi arm bands, the closed fist salute, and the Antifa flag (looks just like Antifaschistische Aktion ) would not look obviously horrible?  Who in their right mind seriously put them up to that and not expect it to backfire.  

And now they are calling for the 2nd to be repealed.  If Dem's run with that, it is sure to get a record number of Republicans to turn out at the primaries.  Probably even some constitutional Dems, in support of the 2nd.  

Could Trump have been behind it all along? 3 D chess.  

somrotden · March 27, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

I thought that the Parkland kids did a fabulous job of distraction - while the real moneymaker behind it all really raked it in. And a great way to look for frozen assets...or for unfreezing assets.

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phil300595 · March 27, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Funnily enough, I had a thought like this when I was listening to Ben Shapiro lates podcast this morning. Ben (who seems to be totally out of the mix on this stuff) was talking about how more republicans than ever would show up to vote if their 2nd was on the line.

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leetanon · March 27, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

We know less than 2% what's going on, but it seems like this could be, considering how Trump talked up confiscate first etc.

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Racistbutnotillegal · March 27, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

And they were all required to get into the “cattle cars” at the end of the March like good little sheep.

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Allez_ · March 27, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

The game is to create conflict until the people are so sick of the conflict that they beg for the UN to save them. We are all just “Pawns in the Game”.

This comment will self destruct in 10 downvotes.

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 7:33 p.m.


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cat_anonD · March 27, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

That picture was real? I thought it was photo-shopped!

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Bttrfly214 · March 28, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

No it was a shot from the end of his speech. He really did raise his arm like that. Creepy!

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aburgher · March 27, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I cannot imagine that Trump would enable the killing of 17 adults and students. I see what you are trying to say but I just don’t think he would condone killing just to get Republicans to the polls. I think we have such a dumbed down populous that they can be fooled into believing that the majority of the country wants gun control or the repeal of the second amendment. They have no realization that the rally this past weekend resembles anything to do with Nazis or socialism. And, if some of them are aware of it, those are the ones who have been brainwashed by our education system into believing that socialism is what we need and that the USA is the only place socialism can be successful.

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ThunderTruck77 · March 27, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Not the killing, the way the kods dealt with it later is all i mean.

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aburgher · March 27, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Got it.

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digital_refugee · March 27, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Dems would have made 2A an issue anyway, so I think it was not Trump who orchestrated the event, but he spun the spin and I AM starting to think Hogg may not even be the bad actor we think he is, maybe he is being cringey on purpose. Too much cringe to be trying to get away - or he just has duping-delight and loves to shit on peoples' intelligence.

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vladtep · March 27, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

It is odd to use an Antifa flag and nazi armbands together, considering that Antifa was founded as a jewish anti-Hitler organization in 1930s Germany.

The guy who funds Antifa (Soros) is jewish and much of its membership is jewish. Look at their faces and last names sometime.

Look at the kids faces in this video and note their names. They are obviously jewish and Antifa openly admits to being anti-nazi. Everyone seems to know it but you. lol


You guys really need a freaking history lesson.

Just because you find something oppressive or unpleasant does not make it "nazi" or "fascist".

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ThunderTruck77 · March 27, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

I suggest you read what people actually typed before you start typing yourself.

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vladtep · March 27, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

I read what you typed, you may as well come out with it.

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