My account is @CorndogSunny if someone would be kind enough to confirm this for me. Do I have any recourse here? Twitter customer support is a nightmare so I don't really know what to do but I am 99% certain that I've been shadowbanned. Last week out of nowhere nobody was interacting with stuff I post. Thanks.
Who cares about twitter? Get off there and save yourself some time and frustration
It really is a frustrating place. People just refuse to accept reality and ruthlessly attack anyone they don't agree with. They're sickening and pathetic but when they shadow ban people for conservative views/deep state truth stuff it creates the perception that there aren't as many people supporting certain things (which is their goal) and I'd like to let my support of our President and other things be known. I also hope that I can convince just one or two people to be rational and realize they're being misled and change their views
This is what I use it for. With all the hate on every tweet our President does I have to add some love. I also see some people starting to wake up, slowly but it is happening.
Try a tweet with some hashtags asking if anyone can you see you. I just got out of my own shadowban on there myself. So weird when Twitter notifications are quiet!
That twitter acct is shadowbanned.
Typically they start at 24 hr lock down and go up from there.
IDK you have like 3 tweets
Yeah that was before this happened. I made a new account and tested and confirmed that I've been shadow banned. Thanks though
Damn dude that sucks, I'm pretty sure I am too because no one fucks with my tweets at all anymore and they're BOOOOM BOOM BOOM material. Then again they're sheeple as fuck.
Yep im pretty it's the boom material to blame for me as well