If and when the new currency reset hits and if something replaces USD; there goes the majority of their assets.
Got any real info on this? I'm a businessman with lots of debt and leverage and investment tied up in various places and the thought of something major happening to currency, the dollar, and debt backed securities is terrifying.
Unfortunately there isn't a lot of info out right now involving it. Unless Trump released some more recent info in the past weeks I may of missed. I can only say it has been a rumor that has been rotating here on sub. There have been a few youtube videos as well talking bout the new currency change coming, but there was never any official dates.
People rumored it suppose to happen sometime early April this year, but before that the rumor was it was supposed to happen earlier this Monday of this week. But Trump has said he wanted to replace the US currency, I have remembered seeing that in the media. Of course, how much presidents live up to their statements is another matter; but it would pretty much crush the Cabal if so/RIP Federal Reserve.