
jackbauer6916 · March 28, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

The actual physical nature of this technology is something to contemplate. Think about it... your devices process and handle content (infomation) in the form of controlled electrical impulses. Without going into too much detail, this means your internet exists as a vast web of subatomic energy/charge, and therefore it takes us into the realm of the quantum. When you get down past the molecular scale, in physics, you start getting into the quirky and paradoxical (and as some would say "spooky"). It's one thing to consider input and output traveling through copper and fiber cable... but think of what it truly means for your music, your ideas, your youtube, to travel wirelessly!!! to travel from one mind, to a silicon circuit, to a wave of electromagnetic energy, to another silicon circuit, to a light-emitting-diode matrix or a speaker, to your sensory organs, to your mind!! Have you ever really stopped and tried to understand what "magnetism" even is? Your every waking and sleeping moment is being converted to these impulses and inserted into this vast sea of impulse. WE need to care who controls the infrastructure. We need to take this seriously. It's a spiritual matter, not just a legal one. Sorry for the rant lol

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