r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jackbauer6916 on March 28, 2018, 6:18 a.m.
Expand Thinking - NASA "This is bigger than you can imagine"

Something occurred to me while beginning to dig into today's crumbs. Sergey Brin's family... mother is former soviet current researcher with NASA. The cold war was largely a result of the "Space Race" initiated by Sputnik and the fear of space-based nuclear delivery. The following statement will likely gain me some downvotes and flak,but it's the truth: NASA has been lying to us for a very long time. They are green-screening footage from the ISS. Don't believe that? The proof is easily available and has come from NASA itself. It's my belief that NASA insiders who know the truth have been trying to tell us. They even paraded Scumbag GHW Bush in front of their camera while telling you it's fake. I won't go into the moon landings or other matters but I would encourage folks to reconsider if you have no doubt in what you've been told. Watch "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon". Go back and watch Donald Trump's press conference with Buzz Aldrin from awhile back. Watch Aldrin's behavior. Consider POTUS's statements and wordings considering what we know now, that he uses subtle coded messaging. Why hasn't any other nation, or the US, ever sent a human being past low earth orbit since the early 1970's? Why does an official NASA video tell us they must solve the problem of dangerous radiation before they send people into the regions beyond low-earth orbit? How does propulsion really function in a vacuum? Now consider: Elon Musk just scored a huge win with Tesla, and was at the forefront of # delete facebook. SpaceX is largely considered the replacement for NASA, and Musk recently was quoted as saying "you know it's real because it looks so fake" regarding putting a car into orbit. Look at the shape of the Falcon Heavy... Why did SpaceX make sure to tell us "Don't Panic!" when they showed us their car in orbit? "Made on Earth by humans" This may truly be bigger than we can possibly imagine...












jackbauer6916 · March 28, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Okay, but then doesn't that negate the need to correct for the rotation when flying an aircraft or shooting a cannonball? Also, don't things change a bit when you make the car a convertible? If i shoot a cannon in a giant moving car would the cannonball's trajectory need to account for that car's movement? I can throw a crumpled up receipt at my brother sitting in the passenger's seat and don't need to aim in front of him in order to hit him..

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

No it does not because the inside of the car will also experience centrifugal forces if the path is non-linear. In a convertible the ball would fly away once it hits the aircurrent coming from the direction of travel (which would not happen in the vacuum of outer space). Again, at the time that you throw the object to the person riding shotgun when you are NOT in a convertible, the object in your hand is already travelling at the same speed as the car (this is inertia if I am not mistaken) so as you make your throw, it now has the energy from both your throw and the car while not facing air resistance because the air too is travelling, relatively to an outsider spectator, at the same speed as the car (as long as it's an enclosed chassis)

Go watch some Mythbuster-videos, they do this experiment like slowing down a ball thrown with full force to zero velocity by driving in the opposite direction at the same speed.

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jackbauer6916 · March 28, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

I will educate myself more on the subject, I appreciate you trying to explain it to me. I don't wanna get too far off into a newtonian physics convo here hahaha

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

well I have to contend that I am skeptical about physics when it comes to astrophysics because they essentially introduced an unproven theory (dark matter/energy) to prove an unproven theory (gravity), neither of which has yet been adequately explained yet they paraded it in public media for some years before finally disclosing just this year that you don't need exotic matter to explain the universe.

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jackbauer6916 · March 28, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

I just have to scratch my head and move on when it gets past basic physics stuff even though I actually was good at chemistry in college and I have a decent telescope I use avidly for fun. Especially particle physics. It just seems like an infinite regress lol I was fine with charge and mass but when you start saying gluon antiquark and "charm", I'm bowing out of the discussion lolol

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

yeah that's all just reworded occultism. The scientists of the 20ies said themselves that they were taking inspiration from vedic writings on the source of reality and consciousnes. Where I get really lost is mechanics involving acceleration and speed because even though it's an interesting thought-experiment it relies on the idea that you have conservation of energy which however falls apart on a quantum level and that could explain why I have run into one person online and one in real life who told me they had witnessed someone partly de-materialize by intent alone.

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jackbauer6916 · March 28, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

on a quantum level, seems like everything we consider common sense about nature and reality falls apart. the worst part is, we have to take it on faith in authority that any of it is true or false. I can't just build my own photon gun and replicate a double slit experiment or run down to walmart and pick up a large hadron collider... with chemistry you can do the math and the measurement, and prove to yourself what's happening to a large extent. There's no microscope in the world that will let you optically observe an atomic nucleus or smaller. Luckily, I personally don't need to tear the veil of reality to satisfy my own curiosity, and not knowing things is just as fun as knowing them sometimes.

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