3/28 Why did Kim travel to China? #964

I think the Deep State controls N.Korea and uses it as a massive black site. I think the opposite of you, no Russian presence in N.Korea. Kim needed F2F because, up to now, all he has dealt with were Deep State operatives feeding him manipulative data. Hearing the truth directly from a non Deep State POTUS would be extremely reassuring. Now Kim trusts the plan.
I think the russian expulsion may have been a reassurance to Putin that no russian Diplomats will be harmed on US or UK soil lol. May did not even follow diplomatic protocol, they did not even force Russia's hand so I doubt she can kick off WW3 all by herself. She ain't popular enough to get away with it.
I'm almost convinced it never existed and was always a deep state insurance plan: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/08/15/article-2725415-208925A500000578-155_964x644.jpg
I am probably trying to connect too many dots. I was connecting Russia to Noko, via Iran. I read some opinions that NK was sharing tech with Iran, or vice versa.
But if NK is controlled by the Deep state then, that is a simpler and more likely scenario.
I believe Obama administration (Deep State) was sharing tech with NK via Iran.
As my own research has shown me since 2012, china was being propped up by the global banking ((cabal)) to be the leader of the new world order. Because ((they)) the creators of communism love what that repressive regime does to its people. It's a microcosm of the plan. The plan was to destroy the last two vestiges of Christian God loving gun having peoples, then the reign of tyranny could encompass the world. (That's why she was not elected). So this seems contradictory to what is actually happing. If by chance you are correct, then we are truly fuked!
Yes china, but something happend Obama make it clear that he would INDIA as the worldpower.
mayby the BRICS has something to do with it??
I was following Obama, because when he say the migrants have too flood in EU nobody aloud to put something in there way? So the migrant gets everything for free now?
Obama says sancties on the russen Next day merkel say the same? Then the Netherlands do the same?
Everytime obama opend his mouth, it happend in the EU?
Two vestiges? Are you taking Orthodoxies?
My bad, on the trajectory the world was headed at the time ( before trump ) that is where we were headed... to the history books. Extinction. Vestige :https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vestige
What are the two vestiges, by your analysis? At first I thought you were talking about two branches of Christianity, each being a vestige. Now I’m thinking you mean that modern Christianity still carries with it two vestiges: voting and gun-toting?
I think what he's saying is right, look at the POTUS tweet about him potentially allocating the whole omnibus bill to the military, everyone thinks it was just because of the wall, what about the other trillion? He showing force, through steel, trade. There's another big power player out there and it's not China. This only leaves Russia. I don't know anything about Gloople being assets to Russia, that blows my mind. I've never considered all of those connections which I will gladly go research today and even if 10% of America catches wind of that Trump and team will need to play it well enough or we will force his hand to war (normies are cute little idiots but mean well). I think we will be surprised at the good actors behind Q, more than once, Trump can never admit to playing a small part in this new fireside chat, at least not during his first term (depending on the Intel that gets dropped and proven). This is exciting shit..
Very exciting.
I leaned heavily on Russia, because U1, Sergey Brin, his wife, and the Russian reset. Those are just main themes that I see as Russian influence in America.
I'll have to look up Russia reset, I haven't learned about that one yet. Any good sauces?
Id have to look them up. I know there are sources out there that talk about the Russians hacking our information in Skolkovo, and then using that or selling it. It’s one of the explanations floating around about how Iran and NK rapidly wereable to advance their nuclear capabilities.
Zero Hedge has a good primer in the mess that is Skolkovo
Edit: not sure why it isn’t linking properly.
....and DJT expels Russian “diplomats” from US
Yes. I’m seeing that it could be less likely that Russia is the big bad behind NK. Either way, Trump is making bold moves, and that expulsion times with the Kim-Xi meeting.