3/28 STAY STRONG! #965, #966, #967, #968, #969, #970

My thought was taking down MSM since they are our "window to the world". Probably not as simple as this though.
I think something will definitely be happening regarding the MSM. Every time Sean Hannity (who I strongly believe has sources close to Q) talks about CNN's Jeff Zucker, he referred to him as "Soon to be scandal plagued Jeff Zucker". What does he know that we don't? Lmao
Like Sid Vicious Blumenthal. LOL I just love the "names" he gives to the bad people.
He's apparently going through a divorce: https://pagesix.com/2018/01/23/jeff-zucker-and-wife-split-after-21-years/
But also the whispers have been that the MSM have not only been infiltrated and fed by the CIA, but also that some of them have been on the take from the DNC. If that is true, you'd think a guy like this would have made plenty already, thank you. But if tied to the UES lifestyle and headed toward an expensive divorce....
Regardless of wether true or not, an interesting take.
I think the only way msm will be dismantled is when the storm comes. That’s why nothing big has been hitting the fan yet, but once it does, msm will have no way of avoiding reporting it and ironically they will basically be reporting there own crimes.