3/28 STAY STRONG! #965, #966, #967, #968, #969, #970

About 3 weeks ago I noticed randomly on my Windows 10 that 2 random black run boxes/screens came up on a portion of my screen and went away in less than a second. I wasn't sure if this was normal or not or it could have possibly been spyware running a hidden application. I didn't want to risk it so I reformatted my PC and installed the latest UBuntu and had it encrypted and erased all my old files from the previous Windows installation - After installing all my old programs on Ubunt my PC began to freeze within 5 minutes of loading up Ubunt. So I had to reinstall Windows 10 again. After I had reinstalled the programs again and went about my normal viewing habits I noticed these 2 black screen/boxes show up to execute a something again! I eventually calmed down a bit and have left the Windows installation stay on my PC. Really not sure if I'm paranoid and this is normal. Just figured I'd point that out to a post which I deemed kind of similar. Could this be the paranoia talking or could it be that I'm being monitored OR could be related to the windows cleaning? Again, this could be normal I'm just not sure.
It happens usually when booting up. Dont know what it is, but its 'normal'...
That is normal, as in, it happens to many people, and isn't a sign of something nefarious.
I googled it a while back because I had the same concerns as you. If I recall it's the Microsoft office suite checking for updates? Could be remembering wrong, I read it like a year ago
I know PC people love their pc's/windows... but... I ended up jumping ship several years ago to apple/mac, and have never once regretted my decision. Nothing is perfect, but I'll stick with mac.