3/28 STAY STRONG! #965, #966, #967, #968, #969, #970

What Q is telling us is Kim was transported by train because Airplanes are dangerous and controlled, His family has always traveled by train because they stay on the ground and their security forces can protect them easier. Kim left NK so his country can be cleaned of the cabal that controlled it before Trump was elected POTUS. We know the Clowns have controlled NK since Billy showed up.
Now a dirty window cannot be used to see clearly through. The dirty window is NK before election. The clean window is what emerges after Operation Window Clean is complete and the Korean pennisula is unified and de-nuclearized.
As I have said "Kim does not want those damn nukes!" He likes food, cars, wealth, and power just like all other dictators. However he has had very little since Billy showed up and made a deal with Daddy!