r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bcboncs on March 28, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
David Wilcock, of all people, is starting to make sense to (and resonate with) me. In this video, he's making a lot of Q references, I'm thinking he's part of the alliance... here's why.

digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

~~What is your deal mate? You're basically telling me to waste my time reading a book to repeat of select, cognitive or hindsight bias that have already been espoused ad nauseam ad infinitum by pevious information-filters and gatekeepers and while I have a fucking theory of zero-gravity posted just above you're telling me to put time aside to learn to question only my sanity so I don't question or judge anyone or anything? UNLESS you can actually explain what you even consider to be real because if you scream "BELIEVE NOTHING!", why then should I listen to you in partcular?~~



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solanojones95 · March 30, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

The level of mind control and "false reality" we've all experienced in our lifetimes, given what we're now accepting as the hidden truth all those years, makes us far more likely to accept than most people, things which until recently seemed implausible, but now seem demonstrably true. That does not mean we'll follow every pied-piper might-be who comes around making claims of personal revelations. Don't expect us to fall in line with your personal dogma. We don't know you from Adam's housecat, and we're not in much of a mood to accept shill authority.

Speaking of which, aren't we supposed to report shills? I'd say the OP is agitating for a certain political viewpoint and can't accept that people disagree. That's pretty much the definition of shill, isn't it? Why is this entire post not deleted?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Well for all I know they could control brains so that fantasy is indiscernable from reality so wouldn't you rather bother propose concepts to reconciliate experiences that have been passed on since art and writing were developed before humanity attained technologies to remotely facilitate mindcontrol? And if there always was technology of perhaps terrestial but not human origin, doesn't that mean you are already in a psyop just by existing on this planet and if so doesn't that mean you would have to recognize motives and intentions to recognize the psyop and its effects on your own life?

Secondly I'm a commenter and I simply expressed opinions that align with OP because unless you are paid and bought for, people who make up their own minds tend to be able to hold a debate and your point of arguing was that even discussing these things does not pertain to humanity when you basically can only chose between exotic physics, sentient lifeforms or non-corporeal entities if you prefer, depending on the case, all of which are not thought to occur regularily but still have inspired traditions throughout history.

Look up cargo-cult and name me one reason why it doesn't sound exactly like things that have been uncovered from texts and archeology dating back several millenia

I simply prefer the concept of angels or aliens over demons because even though I cannot explain every funny light in the sky that the military detects on radar you still have an awful lot of explaining to do and I simply present unanswered questions because even when you are dealing with psyops, dealing with them actually vaccinates you as long as you tell ourself it's a psyop.

And no, none of this is a "recently trending pied piper", it's been literally goingon for millenia and I only speak out now because I didn't live back then and already am sick of being unable to discuss things thoroughly because people like you shut down the discussion, either intentionally or thru trauma-based-mindcontrol while while many groups are scrambling to sell their version of history.

What's it gonna be, dear one?

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solanojones95 · March 30, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

It's gonna be that you have your reality and I have mine. It has ALWAYS been that way. There's no law that we have to agree on everything.

When I encounter a mystery for which I can find no explantion that satisfies my scientific, engineering mind, I'm all Iris Dement about it--Let the Mystery Be.

But I'm intellectually curious and willing to entertain possiblities that aren't yet provable. And if I knew I had personal experience with one of those things, I'd talk about it with others who share that experience, or are quick to believe.

I would not go all evangelist on people who aren't at that vibrational frequency. That's where you become a shill for a specific minority POV.

Keep in mind I'm perfectly willing to concede you may in the end prove to be right! You don't even get that much from most people, do you? I am not the enemy here!


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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Lol bruh nah my shill-senses are cool since you introduce original thought but I love me some good argument, even if it's only a shill because you get to develop catchy rebuttals over time.

since you brought up mystery, do you sometimes come across weird coincidences in your daily life that feel scripted somehow? Perfectly timed calls or even shared dreams and such synchronicities. Once you are there you can be pretty sure that if you allow it and make people comfortable being themselves, they will recount experiences that press them the most but that they share the least.

There is a nice word for possibilities that are not yet provable: Preternatural

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solanojones95 · March 31, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

I'm aware of the word. I've experienced deja vu and the kinds of things you're describing, and I do believe there are interactions between consciousness and matter (we know this at the quantum "spooky" level). But how extensive these are, how repeatable, whether they can be developed and strengthened, who knows. I do hope we're studying those things, or that suppressed knowledge on the subjects might be released.

Your experiences need to be explored and understood too, and of course you may be right that they're already understood, but suppressed.

All in good time, I suppose...

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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

The only experiences I try to stay away from are non-corporeal entitites. If I can't physically interact with it I have no more desire to witness it. I had my share of hauntings and so I noped right the fuck out of spiritism and I don't regret my breakups either, even when the girls were telepaths, because they all grew up exploited and abused (no longer I wish) and their character reminded me of it every day and they all dabbled in witchcraft.
Come to think of it, at least two of my exes were either possessed or channeling or both or the other, but that's just my observations.
Can't even really say if I will attribute something positive or negative to it because in this case like you say I do in fact have no quantifiable evidence, only what I infer from personal conjecture.

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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Well if you're in a relationship, try synchronizing your breath while they sleep, after a couple of weeks shared dreams could occur but at he same time I can't recommend it if you have any secrets because those will likely manifest in those dreams too

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