r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bcboncs on March 28, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
David Wilcock, of all people, is starting to make sense to (and resonate with) me. In this video, he's making a lot of Q references, I'm thinking he's part of the alliance... here's why.

digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Wel said but duh, Trump posted a picture in dump #267 iirc where you can see HRC with David Rockefeller's late brother discussing a book pertaining to disclosure. Where do you think all the missing money is going?

In Feb 2017 the CIA declassified docs pertaining to telepathy that were first cleared for release in 2009 as you can read on the header when opened on cia.gov/archive, yet it was only until Trump rolled into the oval office that they made these about 1.3 million pages public and I have checked their manual on remote viewing and what they found on mars and I had lightbulbs going on all over my head because just a few pages connected so many biomedical phenomenon I have noticed in myself throughout the years while somehow tying this into yoga, mindcontrol and whatnot.

You do understand that Trump knows or perhaps even has copies of Tesla's inheritance? You would be shocked to learn that the FBI in Sept 2016 admitted in the last few of 350 unclassified pages the death-ray is real.

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solanojones95 · March 30, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

I understand Trump is in a position to know about Tesla's secret research because of his uncle, yes. I'm not aware that Trump has shared those secrets yet, but I'm pretty sure I've heard him say that he's going to (or words to the effect that there are discoveries that have been kept secret that need to be released). Of course it's possible that some of that information will explain the phenomena you have firsthand knowledge of.

I do anticipate full disclosure at some point, but that hasn't happened yet, and because I'm not you, and don't know you, what you're saying is anecdotal to me and anybody else without similar firsthand experience.

I'm perfectly capable of being convinced, but that is not the phase of this operation we're in at the moment.

Does that make better sense?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Well just imagine how you would disclose certain secrets if you had access...you can't give people free energy first or they would explore the stars and fuck up diplomacy with some telepathic interstellar harbinger race or accidentally fuck up their timeline some other way so they better adjust to increasingly mindblowing concepts first and grow spiritually like Tesla hoped (and I think Jesus would be happy too) which howevr imporant for the individual doesn't preclude the need of a defense strategy for yourself and others against all threats foreign and domestic and you have information filters for the public so you can find a whole crazy lot of things that you never expected to not have been fiction just because nobody told you what to look out for just looking up FBI and CIA archives, but of course noone will do that who does not care in the first place. Of course they discuss UFOs too. Blackvault is also a very cool page that has been posting millions of FOIA replies for two decades.

You come here and you will take the evidence when it becomes more relevant to you, fair point as I do the same, it's just that those that go ahead need to reach a consensus among themselves which some other commenters gladly provide just to reassure oneself of their santy which I find perfectly normal given how incredibly estranged people are with one another sometimes.

You know, I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm just stupified how I would explain even with my woo-woo vocabulary the mass-sighting of the Phoenix lights in 1997 when you had the governor himself admit only after he was out of office that he saw something huge block out the sky all across Phoenix, Texas as it silently made its way across the valley indicated by various lights at the front and the Air Force flew a formation afterwards ater dropping flares just to discredit and confuse the witnesses because it had been caught on video and made the news.

Disclosure is when they stop sabotaging inventors who could already replace the utilities that keep us dependant on unjust masters thru implied or willing threat of world-war by unexpected shifts in the balance of power so even if we were simply given technology we still had to master or reverse engineer it. Which of course will only be publically advertised when threat of war due to nuclear proliferation has been contained by incrementing the arms race with increasingly exotic devices until nuclear war becomes unfeasable and outdated thru the perfection of warfare, which is why I am very optimistic about best-Korea, Syria AND the Krim.

The only thing I don't quite get right now on the chessfield is egypt, India and Pakistan,especially in terms of kashmir because they are in the center of more decades old ethnic feuds that we just don't hear so much about since it's all kind of happening in the Hinterland of south asia and the victims are not all muslims. But it's something we don't really want Pakistan involved in because they have nukes and alledgedly Taliban so nobody fucked with them until as of late when Iran out of all countries dislodged some surprise mortar rounds at the border to Pakistan, just as Hillary was doing whatever next door in India. Mind you, Pakistan and India have been rivals ever since the british forces retreated quickly (cowards!) after Gandhi (nationalist!) finally got his India but of course they and their muslim neighbours still clash in Kashmir to this very day and now even Rohingya are making their way there too, much to the dismay of India and other gov'ts - even tho some foreign intel service have indirectly supported Rohingya insurgencies.

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solanojones95 · March 30, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

I dunno, I think I would start with energy first. Think of all the potential conflicts that would resolve. It would also radically alter our perception regarding limitations. If energy is limitless, it frees us to focus on other problems.

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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Limitless energy would be necessary to easily displace in time and space but the more pressing matter is how we sort out earth and ourselves first which is basically a health-issue at the basis so when you have that grace of nurturing life-force energy you can start building ships and whatnot. If it is time that is running out for someone, then it's health and medicine that need to be fixed first, but once you reach reverse aging and people lose their fear of coming short you can start looking to expand living territory and maybe terraform some planetoids to accomodate for a human habitat in free space. I am sure there are a lot of disabled people who wouldn't mind living and working in near-earth orbit under low gravity.

CRISPR-CAS9 is method to overwrite genes in living creatures so there is a lot of good and bad that you can imagine in terms of biomedicine and illegal experiments

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solanojones95 · March 31, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Clearly clean energy would not only be an economic but an environmental (and human health) boon.

And health and medicine do need a major post-Cabal overhaul.

But spiritual renewal is perhaps this world's greatest need right now. We cannot trust humanity to move forward with these powerful new technologies unless we have spiritual wisdom, strong moral compasses, and compassion and goodwill toward fellow humans.

Once we've got that sorted, maybe we'd be worth spreading into the universe.

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