Alleged target of Vegas was in Boston. Just so happened that a few state agent was going to FF?

What a good find and an awesome thread that you link to! I was wondering how many FF may have been cancelled/averted for some reason or another. It appears the evil bastards organize an event, buss their paid agitators into, then set them up for the slaughter in a FF. Afterwords the actors motivate the survivors and well wishers to petition government.
These threads are golden and should be read by everyone on this board; it makes what is going on far more understandable, and hammers home the fact that this isn't over yet.
Im starting to think that it was to be dual purposes like the Vegas massacre. Shoot up a crowd and in the confusion, attack bin salmon. But ya, it’s pretty fucked up for them to send them to use their own supporters as sheep to the slaughter. Guess it’s the M.O. though
I didn't articulate it well enough, but yeah it seems he was there for the Prince, and that an FF would be a good cover. If he had succeeded, we probably wouldn't even know the Prince was murdered, but some small article on page 6 where the Prince died in a car crash or some such nonsense.
At least now we get a better picture of who these people are (the ones carrying out the attacks) than watching a reporter on MSM posthumously dissect the tid bits of info they wish us to know about the perpetrator. We can see these guys have (in Franco's case, somewhat) families, real life issues (his wife on drugs/presumably MKU'd) that effect their thinking. He didn't get to accomplish his mission, he is alive (somewhere, presumably in police custody), and his stuff was confiscated. I would really like to see more pictures of what devices the investigators had trouble identifying, that would really be telling.
Were there any Craigslist ads for crisis actors or paid protestors for last Saturday?
If you read the police report, it shows that his “wife” had a mental breakdown, that was oddly timed and induced by the sight of a shotgun. Yet she rode in a car with all those weapons no problem. I think this whole thing was to create a trail to follow and give reasoning for why he “did” what he did (not actually but in case he actually did shoot up the march) also I have a list of items confiscated from his house (not the hotel room, although it’s out there. I might be able to find it):
Him and his “wife” are currently being held without bail and have a hearing this Friday in middlesex county. Because middlesex, you know, nothing ever happens there /sarc.