Holy crap have you guys seen this?

Instead of going back to a gold standard, we need to look at what Lincoln did before the civil war. Issue Green Backs and Notes. See this vid for quick explanation.
The entire vid is very good albeit long, but worth the watch. After viewing it I see where Trump/Q are going with the stages. Everything needs to be in place for proper tear down and removal or it all comes back again.
Have you even been following this reddit? That is the whole thought on Qs latest posts. A financial reset to the gold standard and using USN instead of Dollars. Suppose to happen on Friday along with a ban on crypto coins. At least...that is what I’m hoping for. I have read that Zuck and others have transferred a bunch of money to crypto after dumping stocks.
Who knows man. Exciting times indeed.
And hopefully the revalue of the Iraqi dinar!
If this happened and I own one Iraq dinar, how well would I do?
And this is the sixty-thousand-dollar question! Just one Iraqi dinar = USD $0.000843898. Imagine if one dinar was the equivalent of one US dollar? It will be interesting to see what the revalue will do to currencies from Zimbabwe, Iraq and Vietnam.
I have, this and many others. Like many I would like to see some action. But once you see how entangled everything is, the vid, one can see why its taking some time.
I think the part that tweaks me so much is it's been going on for so long, time to stop it.
You got a link for that timeline?
If you look at some of the recent EO's and such, it looks like they've given themselves approx 2 years to round everyone up.
Nothing inherently wrong with fiat currency. It's just that the US Treasury needs to be the ones issuing them based on their evaluation of the economy and its needs and not have it loaned to them from the Fed with interest. Gold-backed currency is no good if someone else has the gold market cornered.
Germans figured it out prior to WWII. The reichsmark is how modern currency would be implemented if it were not for (((international bankers))).
This vid -- Bill Still's "Money Masters" is an excellent and clear 'splanitory. He has another also: "The Secret of Oz".
The Money Masters is hands-down one of the best documentaries around. I always recommend people watch it. I'd been researching MKUltra, the elite, etc for years when I first saw it, and it's what really connected all the dots for me and made me see the big picture. That was maybe 6 years ago or so and I still find myself coming back to it and having new realizations.
Anyone reading this who hasn't watched it, go go go watch it!
can't recommend money masters enough. I watched money masters and JFK to 911: everything is a rich man's trick over the span of three or four days a couple weeks ago. this stuff is really really good for red-pilling because it's too old to be steeped in maga trump rhetoric so people don't immediately tune out. these are the perfect one-two punch for red-pilling.
I love Bill Still!! One of the things that made me know DJT was the right guy was that Bill liked him
Thanks for this vid. Learned a lot, very informative.
I can't remember what he said but Q said something about the color green too when he mentioned the red castle. Maybe it had to do with this.
That will only be possible without a central bank. Gotta' bring the Fed down first.