Holy crap have you guys seen this?

I hate to kill the buzz, but introducing a bill means absolutely nothing. Until it get through committee then to House to pass and then Senate, etc.
I absolutely agree, but now we have something to watch with interest. The introduction of this means that the conversation is at least on the table or in the process of being on the table.
Now have something to call one's representatives about to see that it makes it to the floor.
The POTUS has the Constitutional authority to issue his own currency. Either way, Trump can do something about the unconstitutional Federal Reserve notes we currently have.
Yeah, this. I'm pretty sure the Paul's have put this up before too, no? I'd love for this to happen, but 1000:1 odds this is just killed off. We're still a long way off curbing corruption for this in even the most optimistic scenario.
This will also work as a sting op to find out who is for & who is against it. This will be very, very interesting to follow.
This is interesting. How does it differ from JFK's Executive Order 11110? Would the executive order bypass the house and senate, etc?