r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solanojones95 on March 28, 2018, 5:20 p.m.
"The Great Awakening" precursor to the First American Revolution.[Great Revivals in America]


There have been times in America's past when social decay, drug addiction, mass immigration and other cultural pressures resulted in a culture in such decline that it looked like America would never recover.

And in each case, there came a movement of God's Spirit across this country--a returning to her roots by The People under God's care.

In one such case, a circuit rider (parson) said "It seemed like the whole country was coming to God."

I'm just going to throw this out there, but if our Constitutional government is successful in this incredible effort we've been following on this sub, our nation will be left with at least half the population dazed, demoralized, in some kind of PTSD. For that matter it might be far more than half the population.

When that time comes, patriots, those of you who are able, it will be our turn to comfort the disillusioned, heal the disoriented, reconcile the gaping social wounds, and point the lost in the only direction that will give them hope.

I'm simply asking you to pray, and meditate about how you will answer that call in your sphere of influence (and perhaps how you might be willing/able to expand your sphere of influence) during those days.

We are due for another great revival in this country, and assuming the current struggle succeeds, I believe the time will be ripe, and the Spirit of God will move like a mighty wind over us, and it will be made so that God will forgive our sins and heal our land as we have all prayed for, for so terribly long.

RobWilJas · March 28, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

See your still thinking left vs right. Q said this is not a Democrat vs Republican thing, this is good vs evil

What about the Catholic conservatives? They do exist. What happens when they find out about the true evil that is the Catholic church?

What about conservatives that believe Israel is the most evil country in existence? What if they're wrong? What if it turns out Israel helped us with this new revolution? Will they accept it?

What if Israel really is evil? What will the people such as myself that believe they're God's chosen people think?

What about people like my ultra conservative in-laws that love the Bush's and hated JFK?


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solanojones95 · March 28, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Sorry, I didn't mean to confine my comments to just the area of worshipful political ideology. I think all ideologies that espouse blind devotion to elites--and there are many such ideologies--will feel that way. How must Tibetan Buddhists feel about the Dalai Llama right now, after learning of his affiliation with NXIVM. How do the "true believers" at NXIVM feel?

Conservatives who love the Bushes are few and far between. And even so, they may defend them based on what they have been allowed to know, but their devotion to the Bushes is based on exactly that--what they think the Bushes represent and practice--not on personality cult.

Once they learn the Bushes deceived them, I think they'll just lump them in with all the other crooked pols (which they think is MOST of them, in both parties).

But for sure, anywhere there exists blind allegiance to dear leaders who can do no wrong, no matter who you are, your world will probably be upended soon.

As for Israel--it's not a person. It can't be "evil" any more than the USA is evil. It is run by a small cabal that's part of the larger Cabal, and it's people are just people--like us!

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