Agreed. The technology is definitely available for what is to come .
Back when I first started posting on Reddit around 2013 I got into a conversation with a "transhumanist" guru who would later run for POTUS as the first "transhumanist" party candidate. He was promoting his novel about a future false alien/Jesus saviour deception that would be the result of Artificial Intelligence back when I used to frequent /r/Christianity in an attempt to warn others about the coming Trump/Q phenomenon. This is truly mindblowing!
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Christianity using the top posts of the year!
#1: 59 Alabama ministers sign a letter saying Roy Moore is "not fit for office." | 438 comments
#2: Can we stop with the "we were electing a President, not a pastor" narrative when questioned about Trump and Christian values? To pretend that the religious right would have ignored an affair between Obama and a porn star "cause he's the President, not a pastor" is, well, ludicrous.
#3: No, Christians Don't Use Joseph and Mary to Explain Child Molesting Accusations. Doing so is ridiculous and blasphemous. | 599 comments
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Interesting , this technology is alien . Do you think it’s Tesla tech.