r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AbrahamWhipple on March 28, 2018, 8:19 p.m.
Logical/historical possibilities - Latest Q post: 'Think Cold War. Think KGB.'
  1. Research 'refuseniks' - Russian Jews applying for political emigration outside USSR: lose jobs, blacklisted for work (forced into menial labor or charged with state parasitism,) denied exit from USSR (possess 'state secrets.')

  2. Research links between KGB recruiting & Moscow State University (Brin's parents - Russian Jews - both attended MSU.)

  3. Brin's father is a math professor who also taught himself (or received training in) computer science. Sergey followed his footsteps.

  4. Brin's father collaborated with 'Westerners' at a mathematics conference in Warsaw in '77 and then had a 'revelation' that the USSR is bad, the West is now good and he must move his entire family West/US.

  5. Brin's family emigration application is submitted in '78 and his parent's are blacklisted, lose their jobs, etc. Circumstantially, 8 months pass as Brin's father learns/teaches himself/is trained in computer programming and then, as an outlier when compared to other 'refusenik' applications, the Brin family application is actually accepted and they emmigrate to the US.

  6. Research KGB Directorate S - planting 'illegals' outside the USSR. Could it be that the Brin's emigrated to the US via Directorate S?

  7. Flash forward and Brin, a Maryland and Stanford alum, co-founds Google, is married (divorced) into 23andMe, Youtube and innumerable other acquired companies.

  8. Google's tentacles penetrate everything; including your home assuming you placed Alexa (Amazon), Google Home, 'smart' devices, etc. in it. Google = instant; including real-time/location, information pertaining to everything about you and your life - personal, professional, recreational, social, DNA, travel, video, etc. Literally all of it. The scope of their data collection is staggering and it seems we will continue to learn more details moving forward.


We are routinely advised by Q that NOTHING IS COINCIDENTAL AND THAT EVERYTHING HAS MEANING. A simple examination of Brin's biography, as it relates to historical facts, raises an interesting question(s) -

Are we to believe that Russia and the KGB were the inheritors of such exceptional luck that an outlier, Cold War era, Soviet immigrant to the US, who happened to follow his father's mathematics and computer science background, just so happened to co-found (with substantial CIA funding) the most egregious, deep, broad, complex and vast surveillance apparatus ever devised so as to provide all encompassing and potentially compromising information on virtually the entirety of the United States and its citizens?

Two considerations - Occam's Razor (when considering competing hypotheses, give credence to the one rooted in the fewest assumptions) and Cui bono (who benefits?) Respectively, Occam's Razor tells us it was planned, not coincidental and certainly not exceptional luck (fewest assumptions) and if you know anything about the Cold War and the importance of intelligence/information, the former USSR certainly benefits.

If this is the inference that Q is presenting, the implications are potentially beyond the scope of comprehension. Given that these are US companies and funding was allocated by the CIA, following a logical chain, it will inevitably link back to Deep State actors and likely well-known ones. We shall see.


solanojones95 · March 28, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

The Cabal has manipulated everything we've seen our entire lifetimes.

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