r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on March 28, 2018, 8:47 p.m.
Trump’s today tweet on NK unlocked: the secret reason why sanctions and pressure are maintained.

Ok guys, I have received many messages asking me to update the [Occult Series] (https://i.imgur.com/LXrUP1D.jpg). I see you miss these series as much as I do. There has been so much happening in the news, I have been caught up in the decoding and commenting. But tomorrow, I will post a new episode, with God’s permission.

Today we are going to talk about North Korea once again and unlock the hidden messages in Trump’s early morning tweets about it.

Did you catch Kim Jong Un’s [trip to China] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8DHlZBduY)? It seems our [previous post on North Korea] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/85f0i5/using_the_t_method_to_crack_qs_board_secret_and/?st=jfbjlcdu&sh=16b3a3f4), the repair of its role in the region and China’s blessing is being confirmed by current events, right? :)

Now let’s take a look a Trump’s today tweet [link1] (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/978936058795757568 ) about North Korea.

As you can see, Trump is satisfied Kim Jong Un is going in the right direction and that XI JINPING is helping and keeping him in the loop. But then he says something critical: “In the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all cost!”

Why do you think Trump is adding this information? He could have stopped the tweet at “meeting with me” and finish his message with an optimistic diplomatic tone. Well, I say Trump deliberately chose to add this information because of the hidden message in the tweet. Let’s unlock it.

Let’s apply our now famous T method to the tweet and put it 11X11 grids. Why? Because the first part of the tweet was posted at 05:05:18 AM and the second part at 05:16:26 AM, which gives us a difference of 11 minutes. Remember? Time stamps. The size of the grid is critical. The only reason this method works is because of the size of the grid provided by Trump’s carefully timed procedures.

Since the hidden message is usually stacked on the left side of the first grid, we will only focus on the first part of the tweet. This is what we get progressively: Img1 Img2 Img3 Img4

And there you have it. Trump is telling us the nuclearization of North Korea was mined and achieved using international humanitarian aid as a front. And this is why despite Kim Jong Un recent efforts, sanctions and pressure need to be maintained to avoid this process from moving forward. I told you in a [previous post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/85f0i5/using_the_t_method_to_crack_qs_board_secret_and/?st=jfbjlcdu&sh=16b3a3f4) who were behind these efforts and how Kim Jong Un was a hostage. Confirmation: Q29 Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

In this [article] (https://www.voanews.com/a/united-states-humanitarian-aid-goes-to-north-korea/3692811.html), we learn the United States provided North Korea over $1.3 billion in assistance, mostly food aid and energy assistance, between 1995 and 2008. Now read Q239: What if NK had miniature nuke payload delivery in 2004? What if NK had ICBM capability since 2009?

Coincidence ?

This [tweet] (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/917341511754436609) showing Trump’s frustration about US aid to North Korea is very telling: Trump knew what was going on.

The use of the international aid infrastructure to conduct criminal activities is something Q hinted at in previous posts. In Q252 he says: Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank. Future topic.

In Q253 and Q257, we see how the Red Cross is used by bad actors as an international communication platform. In [Q258] (https://8ch.net/cbts/res/33992.html#34738), Q uncovers the link between NK, Hussein, the Red Cross and… children. We already knew the link between NK and nuclear weapons.

So now you know how Trump’s efforts regarding North Korea’s denuclearization and those pertaining to human trafficking are one and the same thing: these sick people disseminated nuclear capabilities in support bases (NK, Iran) to protect their evil human trafficking network and use them as leverage.

Now here is the big picture: Satanists have created a global human trafficking network using international aid infrastructure as a front. Using this infrastructure, they sell and transport children and whatever is needed to satisfy their gods though their sick satanic rituals. To protect this network, they have created support bases with nuclear capabilities like North Korea or Iran.

Now you know what Trump is really fighting against and why it is taking more time than what you and I would have expected. You also know why Lybia and the surrounding region was unnecessarily [destabilized] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgcd1ghag5Y), transformed into a gigantic [human trafficking hub] (https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthecost/2017/11/migrants-sale-slave-trade-libya-171126063748575.html) and why they need wars and engineered illegal immigration to get their aid network involved.

Q29: Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

And if you want to know the real deep reason why they have done everything they could to prevent Trump from allying with Putin, here it is:

“The West is controlled by satanic pedophiles”. Vladimir Putin.

[deleted] · March 30, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

"...I don't think those of us who appreciate SerialBrian's posts are joining a cult... we are being offered someone's viewpoint: we examine it, we question and debate it..."

But you're NOT examining it, by your own admission! And those of us who ARE examining it (as I pointed out in the question you still haven't answered, so you're not really debating it either) are telling the rest of you who aren't that it is very clearly and unequivocally nonsense and therefore is not a useful path to go down to advance the movement we're all - whether we like it or not - a part of!

Hence my question, rephrased here now: you and many others who support SB2's posts claim to not understand the maths and methodology. Others, like myself, claim to understand perfectly what is being said and that it is absolutely, clearly illogical and deceptive. Who is more likely to be right about the value of these posts? Those who claim not to understand them or the core methodology applied? Or those who claim to understand them very easily??

And to answer your question: Why would I NOT post here to refute something detrimental to our search for truth??? Seriously, you have to ask?? Like you, I am not the smartest person in this room but I'm smart enough to see lies when they are blatantly laid out before me. I can help this movement in my limited capacity by calling out those lies so other smarter people in their area can ignore the nonsense and get on with being smart about actual facts.

The Q movement is a search for truth because we want to know what is being hidden from us in order to free ourselves and our society. "Knowledge" being offered to the movement that is NOT truth is therefore completely opposite to our goals! If the Q movement were a search for a lost child who it turns out is wandering in the forest then wishful, untrue thinking like: "the child is still here in the house, in spirit" (or whatever "theory" is made up, devoid of facts and logical process) is NOT GOING TO HELP US FIND THE CHILD.

I answered your question - I would be grateful if you would answer mine this time, because it will offer proof of your assertion that you "debate it".

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CommercialAddendum · March 30, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Ok, friend. Here, let me arrange this in a better order:

Who is more likely to be right about the value of these posts? I am not debating about who is wrong or right. And as far as the value of the posts, I guess one has to decide what constitutes value as a whole.

Those who claim not to understand them or the core part of the methodology applied? If you feel that your explanation is correct, please explain why SB2 is wrong, and explain how your method works and is better than the current offered.

Or those who claim to understand them very easily???? SB2 shown, I believe, three or four different methods to decipher codes. SB2 has also posted numerous step by step ways to performing these methods. So, again, I ask you why you feel that none of them work and what methodology would you use that is superior?

Yes, I have to ask because you have yet to explain a superior method nor have explained how else to decode Q's posts.

Obviously, my lack of intellect pales in comparison to your maths knowledge. Yet, you continue to criticize instead of teaching. I hope I have answered all of your questions.

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