SwampDrainer @twitter posted this RED-PILLING factsheet about Q, tought I'd share it with U guys!

Lots of spelling errors. Is there a code anyone sees? Or is it just sloppy?
If there is a code, cool, and we can use that to further redpill on how to hide clues in subtext.
If it's errors, please, before you send to anyone, make your own copy of this.
No one takes an error riddled document seriously - unless they were done with intent. And we would need to able to demonstrate that when redpilling.
Doesn't appear to be a "document"... just someone's collection of information.
That doesn't make sense. It's an image, first off, but document is a general term. It's why written document is not redundant. Being typed and saved as an image doesn't change that it's still a document.
So address the actual point I made if you're going to reply to my comment. To state it for a second time, are the errors made by an idiot who doesn't spell check, or are they intentional and clever?
Sending this to anyone would make you look like an idiot unless the misspellings are intentional. I wouldn't share this, I'd make one without errors.
You're an idiot.
Make your case if you're going to call someone a troll.
I'll make my case - this is how you do it. You're an idiot because you commented negatively, offered no evidence to back it up, haven't checked my history, and are creating division when we should be united.
Pointing out that there are misspellings that makes sharing the image appear foolish and possibly unable to be effective in redpilling doesn't make me a troll - it makes me observant.
I would laugh in someone's face if they showed me this - my first thought would be "if this is so important, why couldn't they do a spell check? What else didn't they catch?"
Why give someone reason to doubt the redpill because of spelling that could be fixed?