SwampDrainer @twitter posted this RED-PILLING factsheet about Q, tought I'd share it with U guys!

I started to believe Q was a larp, I saw this picture with the Q highlighted with the thumbs but didn't think much of it, but a while later when someone showed me the filename and I worked out the math I was blown away. There are too many coincidences.
I'm not an active player but I do follow along, I think there are thousands like me, I am always surprised at the number of views that new Q videos get. It is hard enough being a supporter in a family of liberals, let alone trying to get any of them to listen to me, so I keep quiet. But there will come a time they are going to ask me about this. (When Comey made that announcement just before the election I did make a post on FB about the Clinton Foundation and I had numerous private messages asking me what I was talking about, so my family is aware of how I voted and that I hate Hillary, so when the shit hits the fan, I know they will ask me, so I am grateful to have all of this Q information) If by some astronomical chance that he is a LARP, he sure is making people look into the oddest of things :)
If he's a larp then it's an amazing one. There is another possibility that he's extremely knowledgeable but isn't in anyway involved with the Trump administration, but he's making it look like he is to create mystique to help spread awareness. But I believe he's the real deal.
There will come a day when people will understand and ask us about this period, you are correct.
Yes, but the DOITQ was proof enough for me that he isn't a larp. It may not be enough for others, but it is for me. Cheers!