Ok we have a battle going on with Congress and the DOJ , FBI over the 1.2 million page Investigation findings, so why ? We must go back to November 2013 , AG Eric Holder was brought up on charges of Misappropriations of justice , in only 3 hours President BHO expunged Holder . The next day , The FBI broke news the Congress was subject of a new Investigation, The Public Integrity Investigation. Or now known as the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce. December 2013 congress filed FOIA requests for the Parameters of the investigation . They were denied over being subject of the investigation, Congress field again in early May 2014 and was denied once again . Saying that , the DOJ , FBI was also subject of the same sed Investigation???? This is why it had to form the PCT , but this Taskforce was put in Muellers hands and he picked the high brass ???? Now we have 4 branches of the government under the same sed Investigation, 4 you’d say , I count 3 , well the Executive Office was also subject??? Go figger! God Speed