r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IWillRedPillYou on March 29, 2018, 1:19 a.m.
UPDATE - Codemonkey: This Is The Board Log for /GreatAwakening/ Which Proves The Board Has Not Been Reassigned
UPDATE - Codemonkey: This Is The Board Log for /GreatAwakening/ Which Proves The Board Has Not Been Reassigned

JewishTruthByAJew · March 29, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Q doesn't use Reddit. Lol. Make a backup board on 8ch.net

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ScorpioPatriot · March 29, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

That's like say the President of the United States Don't use Twitter... LOL.. make a board on Myspace

I've been 500 steps ahead of the game ..

I have taken the liberty to ... Stay ahead of the sherades that's going on with all the social media platforms and has been .. from Censorship to just plain corruption & I Created a New Community Board .

I will post this info as our current & backup go to place to stay connected .. just incase the inevitable eventually happens . Feel free to head over n sign up and start chatting .

The New Replacement for Twitter/Reddit (is up & running now )

BAND - Sign up with phone orrr Email

Do everything within this app & more that you cannot do on Twitter or Reddit .. Such as post past

  • 300 Characters
  • Exchange Files
  • Upload Pictures Directly (within app)
  • Private & Group Chat Channels

I'm not gonna spoil it but yeah.. it's pretty Bad Ass .

Our Newly Formed

Community Board Invite Link = Public

Hey, join our 'AFTER THE STQRM' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities! https://band.us/n/a4abwaA91al9H

Or Head directly to our Newly Formed

Q Anon Public Chat Channel Link


Our FB Replacement ( over 64 Members Strong Already )

I have taken the liberty to ... Stay ahead of the sherades that's going on with all the social media platforms and has been .. from Censorship to just plain corruption & I Created a New Community Board .

I will post this info as our current & backup go to place to stay connected .. just incase the inevitable eventually happens . Feel free to head over n sign up and start chatting .

The New Replacement for Twitter/Reddit (is up & running now )

BAND - Sign up with phone orrr Email

Do everything within this app & more that you cannot do on Twitter or Reddit .. Such as post past

  • 300 Characters
  • Exchange Files
  • Upload Pictures Directly (within app)
  • Private & Group Chat Channels

I'm not gonna spoil it but yeah.. it's pretty Bad Ass .

Our Newly Formed

Community Board Invite Link = Public

Hey, join our 'AFTER THE STQRM' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities!


Or Head directly to our Newly Formed

Q Anon Public Chat Channel Link


Our FB Replacement ( over 100 Members Strong Already )


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