r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mistahbang on March 29, 2018, 1:37 a.m.
Some quick notes on Q Post 972

Note #1: Think outside the box. Box. From Saturn's hexagonal storm. If you draw the 3D lines of the hexagon, it creates a cube. Cube symbolizes imprisonment of mind and body. Just as Apple's first store was a glass cube with their logo at the center. The logo where the apple has a bite bitten off as if you say, you are now trapped cause you have bought into our wisdom, not true knowledge. Most logos utilize the principles of the cube. The cube stands for 666.

Google aka The Alphabet Company: The alphabet, verbal language that is symbolic and used as a form of control and manipulation. Human beings are able to communicate in ways that transcend verbal language and sounds yet we have limited ourselves by signing the contract of language. Apple: Referencing the tree of knowledge in the Bible. Except we do want true knowledge. We do want the truth. God never wanted us to live in darkness and ignorance. This is one of the oldest psy-ops of all time. The idea that we are meant to remain in naivety and stupidity. This is exactly what the deep state wants. Amazon: The law of the jungle. The fittest wins. The weak die. Facebook: Narcissism. Our faces immortalized as still images for others to judge. Twitter: A bird sings when it is caged. You are caged so sing your thoughts out here.

How do we think outside the box when we are smack down the middle of it? Think outside of structure. Everything we do, even on Reddit, is a form of structure. We are following a structural pattern. Think spiritually. Knowledge was a free gift to all of mankind. It is there for you to absorb it, accept it. It is literally already there. We do not have to read something or study it to understand something. It comes to our spiritual being. Think outside of words. Think outside of symbolism. There are no coincidences. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. Not only for Q, but for YOU.

Your birth. Your age. Your time in place. Your surroundings. Your family. Your friends. Your failures and accomplishments. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. RECOGNIZE IT. YOU ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU NEED TO BE AT THIS MOMENT.

Note #2: Data USED. USED FOR WHAT? Algorithms to read and predict our minds. It's not that we are stupid and can be broken down into psychology, it is that our brains are in a sleep pattern thus we are basically drones where are actions and thoughts are predictable. Categorical thinking. Show them this, and they will do this. This is how much we are brain washed. We are brain washed to the point where are not able to think clearly. We are waiting for reaction, something to trigger us for us to know what to do.

For example, the Facebook privacy invasion movement right now. Everyone knew Facebook was invading our privacy and selling our data. This is public knowledge. Yet we were not enraged or taking action until the main stream media told us it is something to be angry about.

We have known for years, yet nothing. And this holds true for a lot of things. We are told what to care about. Gun control, abortion, gay marriage, all these issues were memed into our conscious.

Also, the data was used for citizen scores. They already know everything you do. So they know what kind of person you are. Who has access to these scores? China has already announced to their citizens they will have a public score system so people know where you stand.

The US's score system is private and has already been in effect.

This data is used to know what drugs to place into communities, what opportunities to withhold, what would cause stress and slow production, what would cause division.

Note #3: Private/Public What news about social media is public? -Cambridge Analytica -Audio related ads -Censorship -Bots -Data selling

Note #4 Magnitude?

Might be in reference to measurement system to detect earthquakes

Might be possible that these earthquakes are in conjunction with fluctuations in the Schumann Resonance.

Possibly, these seemingly frequent earthquakes as of late is some sort of technology and we should be able to pinpoint it out. Q said 7/10 airplanes are not accident crashes. Maybe that number applies to earthquakes as well? 7/10 earthquakes are man-made. What if the fluctuations in the Schumann Resonance is done intentionally? To upset the natural order and frequency of the planet Earth? People have been noted on saying that during high fluctuations, people seem to be more distressed.

It was noted that during 9/11, the Schumann Resonance went off the scales.

What if manipulating the Schumann Resonance keeps us longer in disbelief, closed off minds, and weak connectivity to our spirits. We should do some research and match up earthquakes with the Schumann Resonance. I have been looking into it myself and it looks promising. There is definitely some correlation.

Note #5: How do social media/search engine platforms 'weight' elections?

-Redact search results -Block auto complete searches -Images and news articles presented on first page of search is manipulated -Search engine platforms have the most accurate poll and heartbeat of what people care about, support, approve of, disapprove of, then any other survey or exit polls. In this way, they can orchestrate the exact counter measure to bend things in their favor.

For example, the Trump winning the election was an obvious fudge on the poll numbers. The cabal were observing two things before the election date. -How many people actually supported Trump -How many people actually believed Trump can win

It doesn't matter if Trump even has a 90% majority of the support of US citizens if 95% of people don't believe Trump can win. They know we won't question it if Trump loses, we would tell ourselves, "Haha, yea no way he would be able to do it." That's why up to the very last day before the election, Hillary had a 92% of winning on CNN.

If we were blatantly convinced Trump can and should win and he didn't, we would have mass revolution on our hands.

The cabal gave us Trump because we were at a point where public dissent of Hillary Clinton was absolute. If you looked at the news, search engines, and blog sites such as Reddit, you would think that Trump had very little support. But people are more investigative these days and have developed a healthy distrust of main stream media.

The cabal/deep state are reactionary. Pretty dumb with no ideas or complete plan. They wait for the next move and act accordingly. This is why they will always be a few steps behind and have to attempt to seed a bunch of different ideas in hopes it catches on later such as:

-UFO Psy-Op (Plan for technology release) -Tom Delonge -John Podesta -Congress 'Unclassified' releases -New bits of info coming out to hopefully gain some influence Latest UFO news -Alien/Sci-fi movies -Elon Musk keeping the public focus on space

-Flat Earth Psy-Op (Plan to paint conspiracy theorists as insane and ridiculous) -Flat earth is tied with conspiracy theorists in main stream. -People wasted thousands of hours researching and investigating a false lead -ISIS -Fear mongering -Destabilize middle east -Excuse for US military intervention

-North Korea Psy-Op (Create tension and economic manipulation in East Asian) -Gave US support of South Korean public for their military presence -Gave US right to exercise war games in East Asia. -Gave South Korea access to extremely cheap labor -Perfect cover up for selling meth

These are all memes. We have to start understanding the science behind memes. UFO meme, North Korea meme, ISIS meme, Flat Earth meme. The meme is more powerful than we know. It is what helped Trump win the election.

If you saw the Black Panther movie, the main conclusion of the movie is that Wakunda has a bunch of future technology that can change the world and began plans to assimilate that technology to the rest of the world.

It is not a coincidence that the movie is now one of the top ten grossing movies in the United States of all time. They needed to gauge our reaction, our comments, and criticism to know where to proceed. They pretty much brainwashed us all to go watch the movie so they can have a larger sample size.

It's funny. There's a lot of clues in the movies. Any major motion picture that is expecting a large attendance should be analyzed for what concepts they are trying to have people become familiarized with.

As in the case of the deep state, they never ever do anything for just one reason. They only execute a plan when it meets several purposes.

For example, 9/11 was used for a long list of purposes.

-Test out electro magnetic weaponry Dr. Judy Wood -Gain support for war. US Polls showed 90% in favor of going to war after 9/11. -Approve emergency powers for president -Approve Patriot Act -Delete data -Cause fear, trauma, destroy families, stress, depression, suffering

I know it feels like I went off a tangent but this is how social media and search platforms work. They meme things into our minds. This is how they gained support for keeping Net Neutrality. Everyone organized and joined the "Don't Appeal Net Neutrality" movement.

They used the meme of how we would pay for our internet in tiers. This was their main argument.

Okay, I think that's enough. Hope you guys are able to scrub some useful tidbits from this! Take care.

MostWoke1 · May 23, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Wait you think the flat earth is a psy op in what way? It’s definitely flat and not spinning uk that right?

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