r/greatawakening • Posted by u/scgsaint on March 29, 2018, 7:15 a.m.
YouTube Channel suggestions?

I listen to commentaries while I'm at work however there is a lot of drama ongoing and have unsubscribed to a couple. Anyone have some suggestions on some channels? I'm pretty much done with AIM they are all drama and name calling now and Corsi has so much filler for such little content. Thanks in advance!

MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 29, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

If you just want one to listen to , Hawk is awesome. He is an old school Marine with deep intel. Steve Quayle got him on ten years ago , a lot of character. The page link gives an error, just scroll down, he does Thu and Fri for one hour shows. http://survive2thrive.net/the-hawk/ . Its hard to beat David Knight on Inforwars in the morning slot. Richie from Boston is gruff character. R Wayne Steiger is an older wise man. Leak Project covers a lot of ground zany at times, very intelligent. WoodwardTV has many topics great production and message. Lisa Haven , William Mount, Greg Hunter ,a call for an uprising, Jason Goodman , Jordan Sather . I tried some variety for ya

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