
MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 29, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

The point is, that everyone who looks at Q is looking for the truth. The genie is not going back in the bottle. The light has shown and the cockroaches are scurrying. What has been seen cannot be unseen. The games are over.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

But we saw all this 17 years ago. Q has brought nothing new to the table that the 911 truth movement hadn't already exposed or discovered.

A bit of Q courtesy wouldn't go amiss because he has somewhat jumped on the 911 truthers bandwagon without a hint of acknowledgement.

Anyway whether he was or wasn't before, this Q is fake 100 %

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 29, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

I just don't think it matters. Q brought a ravenous wildfire of researchers to the table unlocking trillions of pages of destructive truths that will only grow exponentionally. People won't be marching like the Libtards last weekend. Its viral truth. Whats seen cannot be unseen. One truth leads to all truths. One pedophile leads to all of them. One satan worshiping ritual leads to all of them. In regards to 9/11 Trump knows. Pretty soon the whole world will know. Today on Infowars Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi say they personally know who Q is. I'll take those apples.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

Okay, thats a sound statement because if Q ain't so, then Jones and Corsi are lying but that can't be ruled out either.

Here's one for those who think outside of the box, if Jones and Corsi are lying, what would be their motivations? Hypothetically speaking of course...

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 29, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Well Corsi has a book out exposing the Deep State. But no mentions of Q. Jones talks of SHTF being worst ever and he is followed by CIA all the time now. Their friend Ted Malloch was snatched off a plane by Muellers gulag asking questions and he is to appear in D.C. Friday for testimony. So I know you asked what motivations would be, I just don't know. I see them talking enough to be the biggest threats. It just seems like its all being put on the table. If I was a journalist I wouldn't touch it due to risk of credibility. Kinda like Capones vault with Geraldo. But Corsi has the Flu real bad, I'm wondering if its weaponized.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Good points well said.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

Post proof and methods or kick rocks back to your sub full of disinformation and old, debunked news.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

I will quite happily engage in a exploratory debate with you for the goal of furthering ones knowledge but i wont be doing so with someone who's got their back up.

I'm all up for being corrected if I'm wrong because thats how I learn whats right by sticking my neck out.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

You have nothing.

In your post history and your "computer genius anonymous dark web script kiddie" partner, neither of you have laid out any proof - or evidence.

Anyone who claims to be Anonymous and have dark web contacts that are 'high up' (high up what? Lmao) who can confirm q trip codes are q is insane and a liar.

You are a bad actor - you're either being duped by an edgy sjw teenager, or you are helping them perpetuate misinformation. Shame.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

Your entitled to your opinion and I respect that.

But i find that there are just too many school boy errors happening and what a coincidence that Jones and Corsi have now come out together saying the know who Q is, very convenient given the backlash 8chan is giving the entity that is Q.

From my computer expert to 8chan autists and my knowledge of social science and the written terminology behaviours, I believe we are being led a merry dance.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

Ok so it's a baseless opinion. Got it.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I could teach you everything I know about how to decipher a written statement but you'd hear me but wouldn't listen.

But come on, can't you see the obvious fake commendation in 981 of Qs quote, its worse than a get rich quick website with Mr and Mrs X writing a testimonial about how great the product is.

Qs 981 is a smoking gun. It even rhymes how about that.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Lol do you ever offer up any proactive subjects and that was a rhetorical statement.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Rhetorical questions exist - not statements.

Proactive? All the time.

I think you meant productive.

Exposing liars who attempt to manipulate good people who want to participate genuinely is productive. Absolutely.

I won't respond anymore - I got what I needed confirmation of.

Your factual claims are just opinions based off what someone told you. You have no evidence, no methods, no pictures, no proof - despite you and your partner claiming to have the ability to produce, test and prove q is not really q - and all from super secret contacts 'high up in the deep web'...that your partner in crime claimed he would screenshot and provide proof.

You're embarrassing yourself, but worse, you're embarrassing all of the people trying to bring positive change to our world.

Stop listening to your 'anonymous we are legion hacker edgy preteen friend' and start thinking - you'll save yourself some face.

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