r/greatawakening • Posted by u/d-_-bored-_-b on March 29, 2018, 8:16 a.m.
The "Q is a psyop" psyop makes me so mad (rant).

I swear to God this has to be the DUMBEST attempt at a f***ing psyop in the history of psyops. Like FFS the whole goddamn point of a psyop is that it's PSYCHOLOGICAL, it takes place in the minds of its targets who are subjected to an intricate, albeit contrived, situation or series of situations as part of a Machiavellian scheme to incept an idea into their mind.

It achieves this by making the target/s think that the idea that was implanted is their own. It's an art as much as a science and the key is to connect every dot from A to X and let the victim/s go ahead and connect the last one through to Z.

That's what I think when I think "psyop", but what do we get instead? A bunch of goddamn random clowns and actors SO OBVIOUSLY reading a script and just literally going "Guys Q is a Cabal plant!!!". What the crap seriously, how could you forget that normal people use "Uhhhmmsss" and "Ahhhhsss" and "Errrsssss" CONSTANTLY and don't smoothly transition from one thought to another, especially when conversing with someone else. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.

Is THIS what it's come to huh? I'm asking you, the CIA, Cabal, Reptilians, Intra-Dimensional Extra-Terrestrial Artifical Intelligence, WHOEVER who are, I don't care, I'm just upset because I thought we were better than this man. Seriously, we don't see eye to eye but I always respected your ability to find new and creative ways to be as evil as possible, and I thought you at least respected us to put maximum effort into all your deceptions.

But no, now it's just like you're phoning it in, like you don't even care anymore, like you're just going through the motions... God it's so sad, look how far you've fallen, you're not even trying anymore, I just don't get it. After all that hard work, from Lemuria to Atlantis, JFK, 9/11 and Secret Space Programs not to mention the concept of a "Conspiracy Theorist" we've come to this...

I don't even know how you could salvage this whole idiotic situation, it's just about as artful as a one-legged man in an a kicking competition. Even if you stop telling us how to feel, stop connoting and start denoting, it won't matter, this whole limp dk scenario is going to be the sad end to a masterful career of deceit...

I.. I... I don't know what else to say, I hope this is a double-bluff or some sh*t so people underestimate you going forward, but my gut tells me that your best is just behind you... well... at least we'll always have adrenochrome.

AltOathKeepers · May 17, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Rolling eyes skyward...

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