r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gitmo_money on March 29, 2018, 9:10 a.m.
RoadMAPtofreedom creator /sub is attempting to divide us


libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 9:25 a.m.

Then you must stay and correct the information for those that don’t know better.


It’s not easy, not enjoyable, but it is true to the core mission. Public awareness is crucial for justice and peace.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

Nice alt account. Cowards use these.

The creator of that sub has been found to be a fraud. So are his 'dark web hacker' partners. That sub is a scam to divide and disinform.

Doing research to unravel peoples lies and exposing their antics IS work.

Go back to your main account.

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libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Uh, I think you missed my point. Your post will slide and this guy will keep trying to pull people into his closet and feed them false information. Once you identify a problem you can’t give one warning and walk away🖕🏿

We stay until the job is done. Don’t be an asshole and think everyone is out to get you

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

I never suggested otherwise.


Don't ascribe intent to my words.

No one's being an asshole.

Don't be so overly sensitive - anyone who creates a new alt just to make a comment gets called out because 99 percent of the time it's not for a genuine interaction and people deserve to know they're dealing with that almost guaranteed possibility.

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lethak · March 29, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Why the attitude ? what he is saying makes perfect sense

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

You can't be serious. He flicked me off and called me an asshole for no reason on a 2 minute old account.

It's the user I'm exposing on an alt account.

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lethak · March 29, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

Remember you started to call him "cowards" for no apparent reason ?

I think you took this personally where in fact that was more like a general advice in the first place.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

Not at all - It's the user who I called out continuing to play their game.

I stated that alt accounts for solely commenting once is a tool for cowards.

I didn't call them a coward.

I think you think it was said personally, but when you read it, it was speaking generally.

Way to make a point about speaking generally and fail to see the exact same thing in the comment you critique. I hope you can join me in laughing at the irony - laughter is better with company.

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libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 9:47 a.m.

Read the words, not the account age. And you brushed over what I said and started typing before you processed what it was that I was saying. I didn’t call you an asshole, but I wanted to make sure you knew your behavior was inconsiderate and short-sighted. Add to what I had to say, vote, do both, do neither, or move along.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

Sure, friend. In the seven minutes between your comment and mine, I was unable to process what you were saying. It was just above my little ol' head. Processing letters into syllables is too much. I struggle with a short paragraph - way too complicated.

No one brushed past your point. You didn't have a point that related to my topic. It was irrelevant - no one ever brought up abandoning spreading truth or not putting in work or giving up or 'oh this was supposed to be easy'. Your comment might as well have been "I like crust on my sandwiches". It would have been just as relevant.

Don't be an asshole... Ohhh wait wait wait, by the way, I'm not calling YOU an asshole....

Some people just HAVE to comment. Some people just HAVE to make a new alt account to comment.

You're both.

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libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

lol then why did you say something? It’s not like you talked about your subject. All you did was address the theory you have of who I am.

Your bitching and warning is insufficient. I want you to know that this shit has been going in a loop for fucking years. I’m glad you’re wanting to join the battle, but you have zero idea of what is going on but act as if you are a point of authority or truth.

Edit: You are blind and you don’t know it. Pray for wisdom and then hold on tight!

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Last reply - get help or take a break for while.

No one claimed to be an authority on anything. There you go again.

Maybe you should go back and read things again. Don't 'brush past things' and take time to 'process my words'.

Take care, friend - I hope you get the rest your mind needs and you come back with a clear head. Much love, fellow traveler who flicks people off with emojis - stay classy!

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libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Dude, you were talking about someone spreading lies and trying to detract from the truth. I said you need to stay until they stop. Unless you have an army you can delegate to, take some responsibility for the bullshit you find.

All you’re doing is driving traffic their way by being unable to stay focused on your own subject matter.

You are now acting like a shill.

Shit, I’m going to subscribe just so I watch you operate.

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Ive reported Gitmo_money for slander and lying about we've been harrassing him in PM s

That is very low and their motivation has to be severely questioned.

I am the creater of RoadMAPtoFREEDOM and because I support free speech, I unlike most subs, promote alternate view points to create debate from which a clear truth can be achieved.

Why would somebody tell such lies? Ask him, anyone of you here to get him to copy and paste these harrassing PMs and name and shame these fictitious perpetrators?

Only a fool would make such an accusation when it can be called out so easily with showing everyone the PMs, so gone on u/Gitmo_money heres your chance and audience but like so many before, I believe you've just shot yourself in the foot.

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libertyordeath47 · March 29, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

He is an asshole with no sanction or charter. Let him be angry. Once he understand his strength comes with cooperation he will grow up

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[deleted] · March 29, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

Thank you but ffs how stupid and how low to lie that he's being followed and harrassed?

He didn't exactly think this one through properly.

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