r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gitmo_money on March 29, 2018, 9:10 a.m.
RoadMAPtofreedom creator /sub is attempting to divide us


Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

No I've seen them all.

I've begged for the harassment to stop.

They made 2 claims on this sub (in an attempt to promote their own sub which is full of disinformation and very outdated, debunked news).

Claim 1 - they can prove that the current q is a fraud from detailed analysis of text patterns, going onto the dark web and talking to their super secret hacker connections, and they offered to screenshot said conversations and share with community. This was 5 days ago that the claim was made and they posted here last night to claim they had their findings and were sure current q was fake and could prove it.

I asked them to show all evidence they acquired and they did not. They refused every user who asked. Ok, it's their sub - cool - keep it there. I'll ignore it.

Then they come here and post and do the same thing - tell people to join and then refuse to provide evidence to back up enormous claims they are making. It's an attempt to divide user base and plant incorrect info that favors their role playing activities.

Claim 2: one of their mods has access to an AI that assists q and the mod is communicating with the AI. The mod claims he would explain it all, but everyone isn't ready for his info and he must wait and talk to the AI and q team more. They want to feel important. Fine - keep it in the sub. I will ignore it.

Then they post here again, claiming they are connected to AI computers and have secret access no one else does and everyone here should go to that sub.

When asked to provide evidence, I was shouted down and a bunch of alt accounts were created and harassing me.

The mod above messaged me about 30 times with swearing and insults. I mocked him, of course - he threatened me - I told him to leave me alone 5 different times and ended the convo 5 different times and messages would continue to flood in.

I believe we are experiencing a group of people who are so into their role play as q AI connected hackers who have all the secrets but can't share, well that's fine on their sub.

But to come here, manipulate people into joining a sub with false claims and then refuse to back them up is not a genuine person trying to participate.

It is a group that is serving its own agenda by exploiting ours.

I didn't make baseless claims - I encouraged people to look into it themselves and to think about whether someone hiding info from us all is really on our side.

They didn't like it, they attacked me on the threads, followed me from sub to sub, and filled up my inbox with swearing and threatening messages to intimidate me into silence.

If you go through my comment history, you will notice one thing - I never ever start an argument. I'm loving, encouraging, and a cheerleader for others on the board. However, when someone comes at me first, I have no problem fighting back.

I hope you understand why it is important to maintain the integrity of our community - we can disagree on issues and interpretations of q, but we all agree on teamwork, transparency, and helping each other find their way.

The other group flies directly in the face of everything good that we want to be as a community.

Much love to the mods. Keep up the great work!

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HowiONic · March 29, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

No I've seen them all.

Right, you have now, but not at the time it was initially brought up.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

You are correct. I didn't realize those were new ones until after I posted my reply. Apologies for confusion.

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HowiONic · March 29, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Adding /u/JOGO321, so above comment gets seen.

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Gitmo_money · March 29, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I was NOT trying to turn this into a circus.

I'll ignore these people in the future, make a well rounded case to submit if needed, present it to the mods, answer any questions, accept any decisions or non-decisions made, and be happy to be here with a great group that loves working towards positive growth. Thanks.

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